Monday, September 1, 2008

Republican National Convention - Day 1

Today's convention festivities have been curtailed due to the possible issues with Hurricane Gustav.

Credentials Committee - There were some issues with contested delegates that were announced. Washington and Nevada were two of the states. Washington clapped so I guess they were happy with the decision.

Uh-oh...there's a gavel on the podium. They are serious.

The first three people to speak have been very clearly defining, by their body language, which teleprompter they're reading from.

Today's issues are all procedural and Robert's Rules of Order-y.
The stage is very plain and there isn't any music.
I'm not sure if this is what they'd planned anyway - or if the Hurricane has caused them to tone it down a bit. I guess we'll see tomorrow.

Even the fourth speaker, looks like she's reading the teleprompter strangely. I don't know how teleprompters work, but the way they're being read as if the left side only has some words and then you have to turn to the next teleprompter to find the next bunch of words and so.

Ah - I see the background is a looping video of a flag waving in the breeze.

Oh no - there's an escort committee for the Permanent Chair of the Convention, House Leader Baynor of Ohio. That sounds kinda icky.

God Bless Mike Duncan - he's distracting me with his moving left to right to read the teleprompter. I would do worse, but it kind of makes me chuckle.

Platform Committee report

Rep Kevin McCarthy...The People's Platform. Most open and transparent process in political history. Well, I think that's what happens when you're second - the Democrats did the same thing.
Energy Policy - American Oil and Natural Gas, American Clean Coal, American Solar, American etc
Tax Policy - The people earned their money, they have a right to keep it. Yes to greater government accountability and no to new bureaucracy.
Positive and Optimistic Patriotism - distrust of government interference in people's lives. Rule of law to protect people's liberty. Party of ideas not just a coalition of interests...a party of mavericks. Vigorous debate is a strength.
Platform offers solutions and will guide us forward.
We are more than just Republicans, we are Americans, and Americans deserve the best.

Sen Richard Burr - continues the discussion of the Platform
Note to Hurrican Gustave people: We think of you and pray for you today
Most principled and forward looking Republican platform in at least a generation.
Its about building a better America, not a bigger government.
United party today - united in spirit, purpose, and in the nominee, John McCain.
Because we have coherent principles. We do not fear disagreement or demand conformity.
Self-reliance and individual initiative.
Best ideas are seldom in Washington DC. Hmmm...does that include your president and your nominee?

The Platform is adopted. Phew! Gavel!

The starkness of this session of the convention is playing up the Robert's Rule's of Order style of the Republican Party. All this rule hoo-haw is odd to me. They had it in the Democratic convention as well, but without as much flourish - no gavel, for instance.

People who involve themselves in the day to day activities of any large group that has rules and bylaws and voting, etc really love the Robert's Rules of Order stuff.

This convention has a woman announcer like the Democrats.

Here comes Laura Bush...she says thank you a lot and they won't stop clapping...she tells them to stop - but they won't. Finally they do...after she tells them to sit down.

She gets applause for saying their first priority is the safety of those living in the gulf coast region. And in this situation - we're all Americans. Our shared American ideals will always transcend partisan politics. Not as much appluase for that part.

5 Gulf Coast governors were unable to be at the convention, but 4 of them sent taped messages (Bobby Jindal of Louisiana is the one most affected so he was unable to send a message)...
Rick Perry - Governor of Texas ("Republican Governors are doing a great job in Republican states"), ?? - Governor of Alabama ("personally thank President Bush for his leadership"), Charlie Crist - Governor of Florida, Haley Barbour - Governor of Mississippi.

And now, Cindy McCain is escorted onto the stage by Laura Bush. Laura's in white and Cindy's in yellow. In fact, I kind of like her dress. She speaks very clearly and has a pleasing tone - I really haven't heard her speak very much. She wants everyone to go to a website called I find that odd coming from the very partisan Republican party, but okay. Its true, if aliens came and invaded the world, I'd think of us as humans first, which I think is what they mean when they say we're all Americans.


At this convention the benediction is applauded. At the Democratic convention it was quiet afterward.

Convention is now adjourned. We don't know yet when the convention will reconvene.

Alright - day one. I survived. So far, so good.

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