Monday, September 22, 2008

John McCain is not a good choice for President

John McCain is an idiot. A complete idiot. If elected, he will continue the disastrous - DI SAS TROUS - policies of George Bush, the same policies that have led us to this place.

So, John McCain (on the Today show this morning) says that history shows us that it makes things worse if you raise taxes during an economic crisis. He will not raise taxes in his administrations. Meredith Vieira points out that we have two wars we're paying for and this big bailout and something's gotta give. No, he stays firm...taxes will not help the problem.

He also says Carly Fiorina (sp?) one of his advisors, former CEO of Hewlett Packard, is a good businesswoman. Meredith Vieira points out that she was fired from her job and received a 45 million dollar golden parachute while 20,000 of the employees were laid off. McCain says he doesn't know the details of her leaving, but he thinks she's a good businesswoman.


Barack Obama is not going to raise taxes on the regular folk, but he will raise taxes on the people who make the most money, and he'll close corporate loopholes. That will at least raise some money to offset all the crap that's being left behind by the Bush Administration.


I don't understand why anyone would vote for John McCain, I really don't. What is he offering? And what are you willing to sacrifice to get whatever it is he's offering?


I don't understand how people can't see that deregulation and this unfettered free market system can't work as long as humans are involved. Even a small percentage of greedy, lazy, unscrupulous people can wreak havoc on the sytem.

Unfortunately, a government has to create laws to protect us from the least among us.

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