Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Democratic National Convention - Day 3

They're using the same band throughout. Have they said the band's name and I just missed it? They're not getting enough publicity I think.
The people have started dancing.

The title for the Greek Orthodox guy who's doing the invocation has tied the tongue of the announcer lady. He looks very impressive in his full regalia.

I saw a brief blog entry from MissLaura at DailyKos ( where she comments about the sign waving and people listening to yesterday's speeches. I thought it was interesting that the people only listen enough to hear the intonation of the speech so they can either cheer or boo on cue.

"But mostly signs are the business of the day. Orange- and yellow-vested people pass out the signs for each speaker, and the delegation's page (a teenager doing a truly impressive job) gets telephone instructions and gives the cue for exactly what line should trigger sign-waving. Wave after wave of signs comes through -- these things had better be post-consumer recycled -- and the page is in a constant struggle against people jumping the gun. This is a particular problem when Hillary speaks, because as soon as people have those signs in their hands they want to be waving them.
And as for Hillary? Yeah, they loved her. There may have been chit chat during the earlier speeches, the sense that occasionally people were listening less to the content than to intonation so they wouldn't miss an applause line (and anyone who could sit through like 6 hours of speeches at one stretch paying total attention should feel free to judge them for that). But not during her speech."

Presidential Nominating Process
two candidates have qualified...
Boy that Nancy Pelosi sure does look good. She's looked good every day.

Nominating speech for Hillary Clinton is by Delores Huerta. Mother of 11, grandmother of 14, great grandmother of 5. She must be all of 55 or something. What the heck?! (I really have no idea how old she is - she could be younger than what she looks like because she had 11 kids, or she could be older than what she looks like because, well, how do you have that many kids and grandkids without being a little bit older?).
Unless she's very lucky and has no gray hair (entirely possible), even a great grandmother of 5 is coloring her hair! Maybe I should reconsider my intention to let my hair go gray. I don't see people with gray hair walking around. I don't want to age myself unnecessarily. But, geez, it costs so much and its a hassle.

Now a young kid - he's proud of being one of the younger delegates at the convention. Jordan Apollo Pazell. He seconds Hillary's nomination.

Denise Williams Harris of NY is also going to second the nomination of Hillary Clinton.
Okay - I'm a little tired of the 18 million cracks on the ceiling metaphor. It was a little awkward when Hillary originally used it and its getting more so as time goes on.

And now, we're going to nominate Senator Barack Obama of Illinois.

Michael Wilson of Florida presents the nominating speech; an Iraq war veteran and registered Republican. Wild stuff! :)
He says we need a president who will talk with our enemies and consult with our allies, use war as a last resort instead of a first resort, can adapt to new situations, and will respect veterans when they get back home.

And.....its happened! Its historic isn't it. What a great honor for Michael Wilson of Florida to make the nomination. He'll always remember that. And it seems to me he should get to go to the White House whenever he wants to now.

Ken Salazar of Colorado is going to second the nomination.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz of Florida will also second the nomination. She was a co-chair of Hillary's campagin (in Florida?). She says not to believe the John McCain ads (McCain is using the words of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden when they were opposing Barack Obama in the primary campaign in the McCain ads). She says no matter where we started at the beginning of the primary, we're united at the end. She's a dynamic speaker. I like her.
she reminds us that Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.

Rep Artur Davis of Alabama will be the third second to the nomination. Good job. Iraq War veteran, a former Hillary supporter, and an African American man. Think there's a message there?

That concludes the nominations. We will now proceed to the roll call of the states...

They only run through the list of states until the nominee has reached required 2118 votes. Man, states who are among last in the alphabetic listing probably get to say pretty much nothing. Unless all the big states pass, which as I recall from days when the roll call mattered is very common. They might like to be the one that puts the candidate over the top

Alabama - 60 votes, 48 votes for Barack Obama and 5 votes for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Alaska - 18 votes, 3 votes for Hillary Clinton and 15 votes for Barack Obama
American Samoa - 9 votes, (the state delegate representative is speaking Samoan - well, I have to say - for only having 9 votes, they're sure saying a lot of words), 9 votes for Barack Obama
Arizona - 67 votes, 40 votes for Barack Obama, 27 votes for Hillary Clinton
Arkansas - 47 votes, 47 votes for Barack Obama
California - 441 votes, California passes
Colorado - 70 votes, 55 votes for Barack Obama and 15 votes for Hillary Clinton
Connecticut - 60 votes, 38 votes for Obama, 21 votes for Hillary Clinton
Delaware - 23 votes, 23 votes for Barack Obama
Democrats Abroad - 11 votes, 2.5 votes for Hillary Clinton and 8.5 votes for Barack Obama
District of Columbia - 40 votes, 33 votes for Barack Obama and 7 votes for Hillary Clinton
Florida - 211 votes, 136 votes for Barack Obama, 51 votes for Hillary Clinton, and 1 abstain
Georgia - 102 votes, 19 votes for Hillary Clinton and 82 votes for Barack Obama

It's 6:08 PM Eastern Time

Guam - 9 votes, 4 for Barack Obama and 3 for Hillary Clinton
Hawaii - 29 votes, 26 votes for Barack Obama, 1 vote for Hillary Clinton

I don't know why some of the states are not voting their full number of votes. But the Secretary recording the votes has accepted them as given.

Idaho - 23 votes, 3 votes for Hillary Clinton and 20 votes for Barack Obama
Illinois - 185 votes, pass
Indiana - 85 votes, 6 votes for Hillary Clinton, 75 for Barack Obama
Iowa - 57 votes, 48 votes for Barack Obama and 9 votes for Senator Clinton
Kansas - 41 votes, 6 votes for Hillary Clinton and 34 votes for Senator Obama
Kentucky - 60 votes, 24 votes for Hillary Clinton and 36 votes for Barack Obama
Louisiana - 67 votes, 43 votes for Obama and 7 votes for Hillary Clinton
Maine - 32 votes, 8 votes for Hillary Clinton and 24 votes for Barack Obama
Maryland - 100 votes, 6 votes for Hillary Clinton and 94 votes for Barack Obama
Massachusetts - 121 votes, 52 votes for Hillary Clinton and 65 for Barack Obama
Michigan - 157 votes, 27 votes for Hillary Clinton and 125 votes for Barack Obama

Right now the vote is 1128.5 for Barack Obama and 301.5 votes for Hillary Clinton

Minnesota - 88 votes, 8 votes for Hillary Clinton and 78 votes for Barack Obama
Mississippi - 41 votes, 8 votes for Hillary Clinton and 33 votes for Barack Obama
Missouri - 88 votes, 6 votes for Hillary Clinton and 82 votes for Barack Obama
Montana - 25 votes, (okay - another long winded one, wow. Maybe they don't get an opportunity to extoll their state's virtues enough. ) 7 votes for Hillary Rodham Clinton and
18 votes for Barack Obama
Nebraska - 31 votes, 3 votes for Hillary Clinton and 28 votes for Barack Obama
Nevada - 34 votes, 8 votes or Hillary Clinton and 25 votes for Barack Obama

Current vote tally is Obama 1392.5 and Clinton 341.5

New Hampshire - 30 votes, 30 votes for Barack Obama (I liked their statement - again, heeding Hillary Clinton's call last night to unite). Coming from the first primary in which a woman won
New Jersey - 127 votes, 127 votes for Barack Obama
New Mexico - 38 votes, passes to Illinois
Illinois - 185 votes - yield to New York

Hillary is in the house....

New York - 282 votes - they introduce everyone in their delegation and then pass it to Hillary..."let's declare right here, right now, Barack Obama is our candidate"...
"I move Barack Obama be selected by this convention by acclamation"
Good job, Hillary. You have acquitted yourself with grace at this convention.

Chuck Schumer speaks about the Senate races we need to support as well.

Tom Udall of New Mexico
Jean Shaheen of New Hampshire
Jeff Merkely of Oregon
Tom Allen of Maine

Richard Daley - Mayor of Chicago
Robert Wexler - Rep from Florida

Women of the House
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House


A detour from the convention while the women House members speak...
Nancy Pelosi made a statement about abortion on Sunday's "Meet The Press" that the Catholic church objected to.

But the thing that bugs me the most is the comment from Jayster regarding Nancy Pelosi...
"Just another piece of proof that Pelozi is out of touch. Just another snooty tailed liberal that wants to impose her view on the rest of the world. I think the harmonic vibrations from the windmills she purchased has done something to her brain!!!!"

Now, I've heard that comment from Pro Life people before and it really makes me wonder.
If a law is made to ALLOW, but not COMPEL, a person to do something how does that make the view imposed on the rest of the world? Nobody is forced to do it.
Just looking at the sentence and using logic and reason, its clear that what Jayster said makes no sense; its a bunch of gobbledygoop - words with no meaning.
Maybe what those people should say is something closer to the truth - they have a profound religious belief that abortion is against the will of God. Fine.
Is that the reason you want abortion outlawed? Because what if, let's just say, I have a profound religious belief that calling people names is against the will of God. Do you want me to make a law about it?

In America, we don't make religious laws. We believe everyone has a right to believe what they choose; we're not compelled to believe the same thing.

While the religious right like to complain about liberals imposing their views on the country, it seems to me its the religious right who want to impose their beliefs on the rest of us.


Back to the convention...

Well...not so much. I took a break. I'll be back when Clinton speaks


I feel bad seeing Hillary on the sidelines. She always has to stand by his side while he gets all the prizes. But, any success in his administration can be attributed to her just as much, I imagine.

Wow - more applause for him than I would expect - I thought she'd get more than him, but they're pumped to see him.

Now that the speech is done - I'm reminded why I liked him when he was President (except for the whole sex part). He's very good at presenting a clear and detailed (but not overdetailed) picture. I'm just going to copy his speech in here when it becomes available. Good job, Bill Clinton.

It breaks my heart to see Hillary sitting up there watching her husband extoll the virtues of somebody else for President. And with a smile on her face. How much more does she have to take? I remember the days when I wanted it to be Hillary Clinton for President and Barack Obama for Vice President. That was before he decided to run for President. When he decided to run, it changed everything.


John Kerry is giving a good speech as well. Its tough on McCain. Hmmm...good for him.
This kind of breaks my heart as well. John Kerry was treated so badly by those Swift Boat Veterans for Truth scum people. He's a good man who has a lot of courage and after serving in the military he spoke out against the Vietnam war. I'll have to copy his speech in here too because he had some good lines.

At the end of this, I'll copy the speeches of Michelle Obama, Dennis Kucinich, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and John Kerry (so far). All good speeches.

Tammy Duckworth did a good job. I missed the taped piece before her. I've seen her on other shows and she does a good job describing what its like to be her.

Quincy Lukas (sp?) she's got a winning look - she smiles and has a huge lot of enthusiasm. That made me smile. She nominated Joe Biden to be Vice President.

...and he's been nominated by acclamation.

While I'm watching the taped piece about Joe Biden, I'm reminded of that time awhile ago - maybe 1992? and I was disposed to support him. I thought he sounded smart and I liked his straight forward talk. Then, he had that plagiarism thing - which compared to the scandals to come, was nothing - and his candidacy was over. I remember being disappointed.
So, I think Joe Biden is a good choice.

This talk from Beau Biden is making me emotional. Joe losing his wife, being a stutterer, his son deployed to Iraq. Very touching.

I think he should say ... "Hey - you guys must want me to be Vice President or something!"

"failure is inevitable but giving up is unacceptable"

Joe Biden is being much more quiet than I expected. The audience is hushed with sadness because of where George Bush has left us.

There's the third person who says "John McCain is my friend". I don't think they should continue saying that.

"John McCain has voted with George Bush 90% of the time, and that's hard to believe"
I thought he was going to say...that's hard to believe since he hardly shows up to vote anyway.

Okay - I'm done for the night. Cool that Barack showed up. Lots of great moments. Good night.

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