The end of last night's dreams...
There was something before all this where I was going up and down stairs a lot, or a neighborhood...trying to find my way somewhere, or something. And there might have been a pier or harbor as well.
Then, I ended up helping a woman at a restaurant who wanted the same cake she's had at this place some time before. She gave me the name.
I made my way back to the kitchens. It took a long time because I'm not even sure it was in the same building.
The kitchen area came into view and I knew it to be the Martha Stewart kitchens. (Not because it looked like the TV show kitchen, just because that's what it was in my dream). But, only a couple people were there and I knew they didn't do cakes. The rest of the staff was returning from whatever had made everyone leave (shades of yesterday's California earthquake?). I recognized a girl as one of the bakers and asked her for help.
Next I was with a man who I recognized (but can't remember now) who had me look through a book of cakes. The name of the cake was fast fading from my memory. I tried to explain it but didn't have the vocabulary. Then, we came to one that I thought might be it. Aha! said the man who was helping me. That's one of our old cakes, we changed the name from Abigail to ? because its a classic and has become permanent. I didn't know if it really was the cake, but I thought it sounded close enough. Then, he started putting cloth covers on the laminated pictures of the cakes in the book. The covers fit over two prongs on the side of the picture and slid down the prongs like a sleeve.
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