Friday, July 4, 2008

Doctor Who Season Two

Just finished my marathon of Season Two. Along with the change from Doctor Nine to Doctor Ten, I realized, in this viewing, that the character of Rose changed as well. That slipped by me when I watched it originally. I thought the new characterization was a reflection of the new Doctor, but I think it was deliberate on the part of the actress, writers, and producers. She got a little cocky and cavalier about time travel and her relationship with the Doctor. She was dismissive of Mickey and everything except The Doctor. I'm fine with it, I just didn't realize how much the character of Rose Tyler had changed from Season One to Season Two and how much that affected my feelings about the switch from Doctor Nine to Doctor Ten, and the love story between Rose and The Doctor.
I'm disappointed that Christopher Eccleston leaving isn't discussed in the Season One DVD. I don't expect to hear gossipy details, but I would like to have thought his contribution to Doctor Who was respected and appreciated.
Anyway, good episodes in Season Two. I've sufficiently re-acclimated to David Tennant and can move forward.
There are 4 episodes left to view in Season Four. Since there won't be a full season until 2010 (4 special episodes in 2009), I hope the story wraps up nicely. Then, I'll have a nice four season package to tide me over. I don't want to be left hanging.

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