Monday, July 7, 2008

Doctor Who Season Four "Turn Left"

Again, I don't think anyone will read this, but in case you do...this is about an episode of Doctor Who that hasn't aired yet.

That was a good episode for both Donna and Rose.
Rose was knowledgeable and kind.
I'm even more saddened by Donna's outcome in 'Journey's End'. It really was cruel of the writers to end it like that for her. I feel she lost some of her dignity. She had learned to recognize her strengths because she travelled with the Doctor. Now, she's back to exactly where she was before. Yes, she has the same brilliant Donna inside her, but how likely is it that she'll recognize it? Donna was considered 'thick' when she met the Doctor. She was desperate and lonely. I'm sorry for Catherine Tate as well, because she put so much truth into her portrayal of Donna. Very sad.

I also think the ending for Rose seems less likely. So...'Bad Wolf' again. Is Rose the one who CAUSES the Bad Wolf? How? She had the Time Vortex in her, but is that what is still causing the "Bad Wolf" stuff to be all over?
So, let's assume the time traveling, dimension skipping, smart, self-assured, Rose does, somehow, still have the residual power to tag 'Bad Wolf' over everything. I just don't think that Rose would accept her story resolution. Doesn't make any sense to me. The ending is not true to the character.

Nor is Donna's ending true to her character.

And Martha's character is ignored.

Is that a pattern? What does it say about the writer's sensibilities? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill? I'll leave it at that.

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