Thursday, June 19, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance Top 18 Results

The second results show...

1. Group dance marred by hyperkinetic cameras. So disappointing - it affected my enjoyment of the dance. I liked seeing Comfort dancing with the boys for a section of it.

2. Bottom three couples are: Comfort and Chris, Chelsea and Thayne, Susie and Marquise.
I'm glad Kourtni and Matt get another chance to show the public their talents.

3. Flamenco dancer Timo Nunez. Young enthusiastic girls make the world go 'round, but I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to hear them screaming through the whole dance.

4. Individual dances:
  • Chelsea - Good - not extraordinary.
  • Thayne - Intriguing. Some of his intermediate (? mid-level? I don't know what to call them) leaps were interesting. I enjoyed his style.
  • Susie - Eek! Excessive hair flips. I don't see the point.
  • Marquise - I'm impressed. I liked the style he presented.
  • Comfort - Excellent work. This is the first time I've seen Comfort in her own style and I thought it was inventive and innovative.
  • Chris - Good job.

My choices? Susie and Chris. I choose Chris only because his dance presentation wasn't out of the ordinary. I thought it was good and I like him, but I had more of a connection to Thayne and Marquise's dances.

5. Flo Rida
The song was fine. I don't know the Flo except for the commercials for his CD when it first came out. I think his name is kinda cool.
What I noticed was the background dancers. Did they stop in the middle of the song and just stand around for awhile? That's what it looked like to me.

I discovered something about my Hip Hop issues though. I think the choreographers are preparing dances that could be used as background in a video. That's why the Hip Hop dances have seemed bland. How can dancers in a video be raw and 'down' when they're dancing to a song about partying, sex, and money? How much more mainstream can you get?
That's my theory anyway. What do I know?

6. Eliminated dancers.
It took Nigel too long to say it, but he sounds can leave tonight and still be a brilliant dancer.

Nigel tells Chelsea to step it up, and gives Comfort a chance to live up to her potential. Susie is eliminated because she didn't use the stage tonight, and because she's not shining as bright as she was in the auditions and Las Vegas.

Nigel tells Thayne he has personality and potential, and Chris danced with passion tonight. Marquise is eliminated because Nigel said his dance was all tricks tonight - not enough dance.

Susie takes the news well; Marquise looks young.

I noticed that Nigel seemed to make a point of sorta apoligizing to Chris for his outrageous critique of Chris' dance last night.

I'm looking forward, once again, to next week's show. So far this season I haven't been as wowed as I was previously, but I'm still hopeful.

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