Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Thank You 2019

It was a fantastic, difficult, frustrating, inspiring, and challenging year!  I finished four classes in my ISS program, My work scenario stayed the same and changed.  I had some laughs and was overwhelmed by the generosity of many people in my life.  I felt both lucky and lonely, young and old.  One thing that stands out for making a positive change in my life:  automating my heat, light, and television!!!  Yup - that's what changed my life for the better this year!!!  HA!  With the television set to go off at 1 am, the lights to go off at 11:00 pm and come back on at 6 am, and the heat to go off at 10 pm and come back on at 6 am...well, I think I sleep better.  And that is my number one priority - to get good sleep.  So, it turned out to be monumental...:)

And for the last decade?  The biggest impact was when I decided to move from Portland back to Seattle in 2010 and buy my condo in 2015.  Amazing and I'm so glad I did it. 

I've learned a lot, and still have a lifetime of more lessons to learn. 
Thank you 2019. 
For Everything.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Climate Change changes everything!

From the Seattle Times: Mini Mercury skips across sun's vast glare in rare transit
Photo Credit: This image provided by NASA shows the planet Mercury in silhouette, low center, as it transits across the face of the sun on Monday, Nov. 11, 2019. The solar system’s smallest, innermost planet will resemble a tiny black dot Monday as it passes directly between Earth and the sun. (Bill Ingalls/NASA via AP) 

Washington Post - Japan Climate Change

Even if you don’t believe climate change is caused by human behavior, wouldn’t it be smart to consider how the next cycle of weather change will impact our lives, economy, food/water/air resources?

We’ve had ice ages followed by warming periods in the past. If this is part of that natural cycle it will still drastically affect our ability to live on planet Earth. As human beings, not as Americans or Asians or Europeans.

We should develop sustainable forms of food and energy production.

Wouldn’t it be great if this warming phase made it impossible to reach the natural resources that produce guns or oil? That would certainly change our way of life!!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The country is in serious trouble

Impeaching Donald Trump and removing him from office is NOT a way to reverse the 2016 election!!!!!  The only way Trump could have used his Presidential power for personal gain is for him to BE President. The point is that as President he is working for his own benefit rather than the people of the United States, as evidenced by the partial transcript Trump released of his phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky and the many witnesses who are testifying.

This country is in serious trouble.

People who consider themselves to be part of the ‘pundit class’ (Rich Lowry) who think Trump did wrong but he shouldn’t be impeached because it would do damage to our institutions (Left, Right, Center podcast of 11/8/2019) has it backward. Not following the constitution is what will damage our institutions.

No one is above the law and using power bestowed by the people, should not be used for anything except the benefit of the people.

With great power comes great responsibility. Trump, and everyone who supports him and excuses him and lies for him, are taking the power and none of the responsibility.

The country is in serious trouble.

Elizabeth Warren suggests a wealth tax and suddenly billionaire Michael Bloomberg decides he should get into the Democratic race for President. Sheesh.
People really have a hard time accepting the idea of a woman as President.

The country is in serious trouble.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

It’s a palindrome moment!

I hope that’s what it’s called.

It’s 9:19 on 09/19/2019


Here I am.

In this moment.

Little Kitty is with me.

A recording of NYPD Blue on TV.

It is NOW.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

An article from The Discoverer Blog: 5 US Beaches to Visit and 5 to Avoid

The article describes 5 most known and visited beaches and an alternative that is less well known and therefore more pleasant to be at.

It seems to me this is an example of how the tourism industry destroys the very things it wants to promote and visit.  I bet every one of the beaches described as the ones to avoid could have been on the Beaches to Visit list 20 years ago.

I think the tourism industry should do more to clean up the beaches they promote instead of running away and finding somewhere else to go that in 20 years will be a beach to "avoid".

Maybe this is another example of how big money doesn't care about community and sticking with something for the long haul.  It's the ultimate predator.

Very disheartening and soul-numbing.