No new official proclamations or announcements (tweets) from President of the United States Donald J Trump this morning.
Yesterday after I published my post he had a couple. Here they are in order from earliest to latest.
Ugh - the "tax cut bill". It's the worst. I'll see what I can document about it on another post.
The odd thing is that you barely have to scratch the surface to see the tax bill is for wealthy Americans and Corporations - especially corporations.
The 'tax cuts' for the CORPORATIONS are permanent.
The 'tax cuts' for PEOPLE expire after 2025...and in reconciliation negotiations the House and Senate are considering taking a year off that and making it 2024 they can give more money to the corporations/wealthy.
Calling this tax bill a "massive tax cut for the everyday, working Americans" is a lie - flat out.
FYI - their belief is that when you give corporations a tax cut, they'll pass those benefits on to their workers in the form of higher wages and more jobs...the economy will expand.
Let's be real...the only reason workers have had to unionize and protest for 8 hour work days and weekends off is because Corporations are NOT PEOPLE and on their own a corporation does not have any Compassion - it's only goal is to make money for the Shareholders.
We HOPE there are people who run the Corporation who have compassion...but for many people, living in fear, they take what they can for themselves (it's a dog eat dog world after all) and screw everyone else. We've seen it time and again.
Back to the tweet..."if you make your voices heard this moment will forever be remembered as a great new beginning - the dawn of a brilliant American future shining with PATRIOTISM, PROSPERITY AND PRIDE!"
Isn't that a bit over the top? And there's something about it that sounds like it's not supposed to be about fake tax cuts. This is the kind of thing you say when we get to the moon maybe.
It sounds like a novice speechwriter who has ONE chance to write a presidential speech and he or she will add in every cliche possible hoping this will be the GREAT SPEECH. Even the alliteration at the end...cliche. It's the kind of thing I do at the end of my work e-mails..."questions, comments, and concerns"...and I'm not a writer.
I'm weary of this kind of talk from this administration and that President especially. Honestly, I'm weary of it from everyone...left, right, and center.
This is the way some people WANT to think we are.
But, they're just words...blah, blah, blah...yada, yada, yada.
The part that annoys me especially is the idea that these are uniquely AMERICAN characteristics.
There are HUMAN BEINGS all over the world who demonstrate every day that they can innovate and prosper. And let's be honest, many of the innovators in America came from somewhere else.
We DO have the foundation of a good government system that is more FREE than not.
But, people who live in FEAR and feel they have to TAKE and PROTECT their piece of the pie rather than sharing the bounty...they're ruining our great country.
Donald J Trump and his Administration are destroying the great USA faster than anybody before.
Ya mean like the coal industry?
Too many regulations on coal?
That's just one example. What about the chemical companies that pollute the water and the air?
I mean - don't you care about that? Didn't you watch Erin Brokovitch?
What about the food manufacturers who cut corners? You LIKE getting food borne illness?
History is replete with examples of CORPORATIONS that for the lack of regulation will KILL people and decide the profits exceed the cost. CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE AND THEY CAN'T HAVE COMPASSION.
I mean...this is AMERICA 101 people!!!!
It's ridiculous to think that regulations come out of thin air. They are here because corporations have proven themselves to be less than trustworthy.
Yes, some regulations are not helpful and seem kinda ridiculous.
Do I think the Trump Administration went through their list of regulations carefully and thoughtfully to decide which ones were helpful and which ones weren't?
No I do Not.
This stupid photo opp is why I'm pretty sure they just wanted to gut a set number of regulations. This is Donald J Trump standing beside pieces of paper (somebody should be regulating that!) representing the amount of regulations in 1960 vs 2017.
Well, listen - I'll see what kind of regulations they're cutting.
Given that Net Neutrality was gutted yesterday, and they recently decreased the size of National Monuments to make that land available for corporations and developers, and they are allowing drilling for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge....yeah - given all that (off the top of my head), I'm not hopeful that the Trump Administration took any care or thought when they slashed regulations.
And here are a couple more tweets.
"Paycheck President"...I bet he LOVES that.
The Republican National Committee put together the website. Let's see what it says...
It says "Bigger Paychecks for All Americans", then it has a video of President Trump.
I won't bother listening to that. It's probably of the same blather.
Contact your senator for an extra $2000 in your pocket.
(It doesn't have a link to explain where that $2000 comes from. I believe its the higher personal exemption we get on our tax returns. Isn't it offset by the many deductions a person can no longer take? I think they decreased the child deduction and took away the deductions for state income tax. I don't have all the details - but this RNC website doesn't either).
Then they have a list of all the things you can do with $2000 - as if everyone is getting an extra $2000 handed to them.
I suppose some people will be getting a better refund? That might seem like cash in hand.
Generally, it means you will be PAYING less, not GETTING more.
That reminds me that there were lots of people in America who didn't know that the ACA (which they liked) was the same as Obamacare (which they hated).
Anyway - the website wants people to call their Democratic Senators and tell them how much you want your $2000.
They even have suggestions of how to use it:
INVEST in car repairs
NEVER MISS a mortgage payment
PLAN a family vacation
GIVE to charity
SAVE for college
GIVE family a Christmas to remember
SAVE for retirment
PAY OFF credit card bill
Yeah - those are the kinds of things they want people to do with their $2000.
They're appealing to people with crappy cars who sometimes can't pay their mortgage (live paycheck to paycheck probably), they might not even have enough money for Christmas (NEXT YEAR!!!) and they have credit card debt that is beyond their current means to pay off.
Uhhh...why don't you make an America where people can earn a living wage doing something other than hedge fund investing or politician or real estate developer?
Maybe teachers and health care workers and service members...maybe they can earn a living wage, eh? What about that?
That's not going to change someone's life. It's going to make them temporarily happy.
And that's what you're going for, right RNC?
And the second tweet is about OPTIMISM.
In a very particular group of people I guess.
It's a Trade publication.
We DO need our manufacturing sector to come back again.
I'm all for that.
Of course the only reason we lost them is because so many CORPORATIONS moved their jobs OVERSEAS and outside the USA.
I guess someone will say the reason they left is because taxes and wages were too high.
Well you know - if you WANT the best ya gotta PAY for the best.
If you don't think American workers are worth a little more and you think you can get the same value from workers overseas + shipping costs...well then you don't think too much of the AMERICAN WORKER do you?
You must not believe all those fancy words from DONALD J TRUMP about how innovative and amazing we could be if only we didn't have rules and regulations to stand in our way.
Or...maybe you only think SOME people are innovative and amazing - not the regular Joe and Jane on the street, but the entrepreneurs...THOSE are the innovators...we need to cater to the ENTREPRENEURS and CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY.
I get it.
Yeah - on another day I might feel less cynical and I will remember that there are at least half of the American people who aren't like this. I'll feel their power rising and feel more confident about the STATE OF OUR UNION. We will indeed rise because...
"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
An interesting article about that quote from The Daily Beast.
Now - off to my day with a note to my future self who may read this again one day...
Love with the understanding that we're all on a journey and doing the best we can with our current understanding. Every day any of us is here is a miracle and a triumph even if it's difficult - especially when it's difficult. Take a moment to FEEL THIS MOMENT and LIVE IN THIS MOMENT - listen, feel, touch, see, taste, THIS MOMENT. Get to that place where you will realize - even for a split second - that only this moment is REAL. And then, feel the LOVE.
Have a FANTASTIC day!