Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Fifty-ninth Day

Things happened in the last week.  I didn't write though because the computer wasn't in the place I wanted it.  I am that damn lazy.

Also - lots of 'feels' this week. It was overwhelming.

Thursday: dinner with LJB's family with some drama, Saturday: watched Moonlight, Sunday: LJB's memorial - excellent.

I find I'm missing LJB more, now that all the formalities are done with.  
I have to make sure I don't deify him.
He had a bigger impact on me than I allowed myself to feel.  
I wish I could have been a better friend. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fifty-third Day

Here's something interesting:  Scientists using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have discovered seven earth size planets orbiting the Trappist-1 star about 40 light years away.  Three of the planets (now known as E, F, and G) are in the 'habitable zone'.

While I watched the scientists talk about this discovery I was filled with excitement and I felt like my head would explode with the amazing possibilities.
I was thinking about the scientists and the creativity and dedication it took to discover this really cool thing - for them and for all of us.
I am often overwhelmed by the intelligence, focus, creativity, drive, and curiosity that people exhibit when they discover things or work together on a project or find any kind of outlet for all that potential inside.
I was thinking to myself that I wish I could do cool things too!  I want to  make videos and video documentaries and take photos and inspire people and collaborate and read and write and design and explore.  All these wonderful things.  
I've had a lifetime to do them but I just don't know how.
I can't even get a project off the ground at work.
Which demoralizes me and frustrates me and it makes me find my safe place and just watch other people do things.
I'm easily discouraged.

But, watching those scientists, I know it's possible.  

My niece got a job yesterday in her field and it sounds like a great opportunity.  In a text message she said to me..."I'm really excited to be moving forward. To prove myself.  I'm really ready!"

I'm so taken by her enthusiasm and this idea she has to 'prove' herself.  I hope she means to 'prove' herself to herself. I think that's what she means.  She'll discover her own power and it will give her the confidence to always step a little further than she feels comfortable, because she's 'proven' to herself that she can handle it.  

I feel discouraged too easily.  

This is the feeling that made me buy all the craft items - it was an attempt to use this energy and excitement for something.  It didn't work though.  

I know if I could find a way to DIG DEEP, I could make things I can be excited about.
I don't know how to, though.

I'll keep trying to figure it out.  For now - this is what's on my mind.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Fifty-first Day

This comic strip makes me chuckle.  Zeebra and Crocs are my favorite.

I didn't post yesterday. I remembered, but wasn't in front of my computer so I decided not to worry about it. And there ya go. Yay - I'm not a slave to the idea of posting every day!!!


Yesterday I watched the first four episodes of Doctor Who, Season 9.  I have them saved on my DVR.  I recently figured out how to easily turn Closed Captioning on and off.  Yay.  I miss a lot when I watch Doctor Who without CC.  I get the gist of things, but not the fun details. 

I had a thought about the Doctors on Doctor Who. Each of the doctors has their personality quirks and even a specific 'look'.  They like different foods and have unique interests.  The current doctor loves to play the guitar.
It must be that these personality quirks come from the BODY the Doctor is in. When he regenerates he isn't familiar with the body or its likes and dislikes. He has to discover it.  
Also, a Time Lord can regenerate into all kinds of bodies - men, women, or children.
It looks like the Time Lord doesn't have a choice.

Is the Doctor taking over these bodies from people?  Where does the body come from? 
Is the Doctor similar to Dax on Deep Space Nine?
Or maybe the Doctor is taking over the bodies of people who died.

This all sounds kinda icky, so I'm curious how that's all supposed to work.


Space-X and NASA successfully sent a rocket to the International Space Station yesterday.  And, the reusable portion landed without a hitch.  
This is fantastic.  
I purchased 1 share of Solar City only because it's an Elon Musk company and I wanted to be part of Space-X.  That turned into 2 shares of Tesla..and I bought one more.  That's the most I can afford.  But, I want to be part of space exploration and support people who are curious.

Today I wondered, though...is it good that the country ceded this over to a private corporation?  
I'm not sure.  It's certainly our way.
But, is it right?  I felt more comfortable when it was a government operation. If something was discovered it was all of ours.
I'm not sure NASA worked that way in practice so maybe whether it's the government or a private corporation it will all be the same
I worry we'll 'pollute' space the way we do Earth. Or that we'll take over civilizations the same way we did here on Earth. 


This article explains how twisted and convoluted the Republican Administration is (my highlight...)

Over the weekend, small man Donald Trump, wounded by record-worst approval ratings and international scorn over the first month of his presidency, retreated to the embrace of his most ardent supporters by holding rallies in Florida and South Carolina. There, he did the Donald Trump thing: yelling inaccurately about crime, the media, jobs, and how he won the election. (We know you won, Donald. We fucking know.) He also offered one of his administration’s signature made-up tragedies by referencing some sort of attack in Sweden, a thing which did not occur anywhere except for within his frazzled, post-factual mind. Since then, his campaign has spun that lie into a claim that, while there may not have been a specific attack in Sweden to reference, the media is actually the ones lying, because they are claiming that Sweden is safe. (Which they aren’t; they are just claiming that a terrorist attack did not happen there on Friday.)

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Forty-ninth Day

I watched The Arrival today.
(Are you going to watch it?  Don't read any more of this.  I don't give any details, but just my words alone will tell you more than I would want you to know.  Luckily I didn't know anything going in except it was about the arrival of aliens.)
I'll write my other stuff here towards the top and leave the movie stuff at the bottom to help you avoid the temptation.


Salon Gals this morning.

I was reminded that the thing we're protecting - the thing worth saving - is the constitution and the rule of law.  Whether that's the United States or some other country, the constitution and rule of law are worth fighting for.
Also, SGM is using the words Republican Administration instead of the man's name.  Partly so the man's name is not used, and partly to put the responsibility where it belongs - with Republicans. She got that from a Facebook post by Martin Luther King's daughter about how to deal with our current political climate.


Something else I thought about this morning - before seeing the movie:  I have three resources in my life: Time, Money, Energy.  I need Money to purchase Fuel to generate Energy.  I need Money to have Time.  I need Energy to spend Time.
How do I spend my resources?  Every day I choose.


I didn't get as much done today as I hoped, but it was a fine day.


Stop reading now.
HA!  I can't believe I'm going to all this trouble - I don't have any 'blog readers'.
I'm concerned someone will accidentally open this page while searching for something on the movie.


And now - back to The Arrival

Fantastic. Loved it!
So interesting.

Time and Language.

Language defines how we think.  How we think defines our language.
Time is flowing.

The concepts in this movie get my adrenaline going.
What would happen if an alien race came to our Planet?  How would we react?
Language and words matter - our current political climate is testament to that.
Time flows in all directions - Deep Space Nine, The Prophets; they didn't understand our linear time.

I'm glad there are people who can use their words to explain how I feel. Here are two:

Review on Roger Ebert.com

From Nerdwriter on YouTube - Arrival: A Response to Bad Movies

Friday, February 17, 2017

Forty-eighth Day

June 1, 2014 from a park in Juanita, I think

I hope to get a lot done this weekend.  
I don't respect how Donald Trump is being our President. 
I want to say more, but don't have words.

I'm going to leave it there today.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Forty-seventh Day

Donald Trump at his press conference 02/16/2017

I didn't see the press conference yet. It lasted an hour and seventeen minutes.  Yikes - not sure when I'll get to watch it.  
I've been watching FOX News discuss it - particularly O'Reilly. 
Apparently, Trump spent a good portion of his time talking about the media and how horrible they are - they are liars.
FOX News is on board with that.  O'Reilly said that Trump has delegitimized the press so much that even if they told the truth 50% of the people wouldn't believe it.
Chris Wallace countered that the media isn't making up the facts. The problems Trump has are a result of how he handled the Flynn problem and the people he's selected to be in his cabinet.
O'Reilly is really playing up the idea that the reason media is AGAINST Trump is because they're the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party.
This is so odd.
O'Reilly doesn't think his network is part of the 'media' that's a mouthpiece of the Democratic Party because he's on the network that has been a mouthpiece of the Republican Party for years.
I think the reason the media seems to be 'against' Trump is because they're not falling in line with everything he says.
So much of it doesn't make any sense.

When I have a moment to read the transcript or watch the press conference I'll try to list all the items that don't make sense.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Special Edition

Dear Vinyl Cafe community,
We wondered whether we should send this to you by email. But we decided that we would, because friends always make difficult times easier to bear. Many of you have been with us from the beginning, and after all these years that is what we consider you: friends. So we wanted to make sure you heard this news from us. 
Sending you lots of love, from our little Vinyl Cafe family to yours.
Jess Milton, Producer
Meg Masters, Story Editor
Julie Penner, Music Producer
Louise Curtis, Associate Producer
It is with deep sadness that the Vinyl Cafe family announces that Stuart McLean passed away today, February 15th, 2017, at age 68.
We are heartbroken. 
But we are also finding comfort in memories of our dear friend. 
Stuart always emphasized that the world is a good place, full of good people, trying to do their best. He believed in people’s extraordinary capacity for love and generosity. And he had faith in our ability to work together for the common good. 
He was, in other words, firmly committed to celebrating the positive, joyful and funny side of life. Stuart assured us that even in difficult times, we can find things to be grateful for and ways to laugh. Now that he is gone, we will try hard to do just that. 
Stuart connected us – to our country and to each other. He entertained us, he made us think, he made us smile. Occasionally he made us cry. And, through all of that, he reminded us that life is made up of small moments. We never know which ones will be forgotten and which ones will stay with us forever. 
So today, and hopefully every day, we’re going to celebrate Stuart’s life by trying to make each moment count and by being grateful for all of them.
We are certainly grateful for each and every moment we shared with Stuart. 
We will miss him.
There will be a public tribute at a later date. The family requests privacy at this time. 
The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to:
Stuart worked at Camp Kanawana for five summers, and he often said that it changed his life. This fund will help children and teens without the financial means to attend Camp YMCA Kanawana, a community where they learn to care for themselves, each other and the environment. 

It was only a short time ago that he stopped doing his show, and now this. 
We lost a lot of people in 2016.  But, 2017 has started apace - lots of loved ones, plus LJB and Stuart McLean.

Forty-sixth Day

These are the trees outside my apartment when I first moved back to the Seattle area in 2010.  I love those trees. They 'danced' in the wind.  This is from January 1, 2011.  I probably have more pictures of them in the different seasons.  

Speaking of that apartment...I look back on it fondly.  I rarely used the living room.  I left my couch and recliner chair back in Oregon so I didn't have living room furniture.  I had a TV and a craft table so sometimes I sat there to watch television.  I watched the trees from the bedroom.  That's where I saw them most - though, that photo is from the balcony off the living room.
I haven't quite made friends with my current apartment yet.  It's okay because it took me a while to feel settled in my Beaverton apartment as well.
On the other hand - I have to stop acting like I have all the time in the world to adjust to new things - I'm getting old.  Time may be short.  Or not.  Who knows.


I'm getting into a bad, bad rut - just as I described the other day...sleep, work, watch television/surf Internet.
Surfing the internet is as bad as channel surfing in the old days.  A waste of time.
I'm not even cleaning the kitchen!  
I gotta shape up!!!


I keep looking at the tree picture - it really soothes me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Forty-fifth Day

"I know he'd be a poorer man if he never saw an Eagle fly"

Just saw this post on the blog Dreaming About Other Worlds (which I think I've now linked to twice and I only saw the blog for the first time a short time ago!)
It was a nice post about the immigrant experience.
Besides that it reminded me that I enjoy John Denver music.  I'm sorry we lost John Denver so young; it was 20 years ago in October and he was only 53 when he died.

I don't have anything of note to report today.  
I work, I call my mother, I get ready for bed, I sleep.  
I work, I call my mother. I get ready for bed, I sleep.
I work. I call my mother. I get ready for bed, I sleep.
And through it - there is television and the internet and my own disappointment.

HA! - I'm not quite as disappointed as that sounds, but it seemed very dramatic so I wrote it.

It is for now - my life. 
It will change. 
Because that's what I do.

I don't change radically - I don't change quickly - but at some point...

Monday, February 13, 2017

Forty-fourth Day

January 5, 2014

This afternoon I went to Issaquah to pick up some stamps I purchased (shh - don't tell, they were 20% off). I stopped at Michael's afterward to pick up some jute.  
MFJ called to see how I was doing re LJB and all that.
I sat in my car and watched SUV's go in and out of that really busy parking area, while chatting it up.
I explained my mixed emotions and feelings about LJB and everything surrounding his death.  
And, I mentioned that I wasn't sure if anything happens after you die because I felt kind of empty.  I don't feel any spiritual connection to LJB right now. 
MFJ talked about how important it is - if we assume there really isn't anything after death - to appreciate the beautiful moments in this life for what they are - beautiful and now.
The way he was talking reminded me of a poem I picked up when I was a teenager.

If you want to be happy
Begin where you are
Don't wait for some rapture
That's future and far
Begin to be joyous
Begin to be glad
And soon you'll forget
You were ever sad.

I took that from a book called Apples of Gold that my Grandma got me when I was a teenager full of angst and longing to fit in.  I was very sensitive and my feelings were hurt all the time because of - well, junior high and high school.  
I saw this poem and it made me think if I didn't want to walk around like a sad sack with my feelings hurt all the time, I could think about just choosing to be happy.
It helped.

(As a side note, my college friends Kathy and Melanie - English majors at the time - called my favorite poem 'trite' when I told them about it when I was 19 or 20)

It didn't occur to me until I was in my 30's that the poem mentioned the Rapture and was a call to Christians to forget about what they might get in heaven - they should try to be happy here on Earth.

And now - here it was again.  It sprung to mind very quickly while I listened to MFJ talk and thought about appreciating things here and now.  I've had this conversation for years with MFJ as we talked about Eckhart Tolle.  But, that poem hadn't crossed my mind.

But, this afternoon it did and I felt that power of living in the moment and for a little bit it felt like a little miracle because it made me think it came to me because someone (LJB? Grandma?) wanted me to know that there really IS something else beyond.  They were sending me a little reminder by way of that poem.  
Even though the poem is about living in this moment with no regard for what heaven may bring us in the hereafter, it was - for me in that moment - a message from the hereafter to be happy with these moments.  

(Honestly, there was a flash of insight at that moment that brought it all full circle for me, and right now I can't remember what that was - that elusive spiritual insight that if we don't catch right away is hard to describe with words and memory).

I felt a truly spiritual connection and got a little bit of a teary eye. I thanked MFJ because I felt like because of that conversation I had been reminded there IS more to this life than Earth - but it doesn't matter right now.  We should still enjoy this life.

On the way home (west on I-90) I had the special pleasure of seeing the Olympic Mountains rising up beyond the skyline of Seattle and in my rearview mirror I saw the Cascade Mountains.

That was another little message from LJB, I think.

And it made me happy.

(Even as I'm writing this I feel a bit of the teary eye - it's love shining through)

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Forty-third Day

Just watched the season premiere of John Oliver's show on HBO.

After watching the show I thought it sounded good to watch a movie - something easy (Trump makes life difficult)

Let's start On Demand with the Free Movies section.

Jerry Maguire - seen it.  Next...

Are We There Yet? - extremely unlikable children. Ice Cube stars as a single guy who doesn't like kids and his romance with a single Mom of two sassy little kids with attitude (who have attitude because they hope their Mom and Dad will get back together again - aww).  I suspect this will end as we all know it will.  I'm bailing around the time when Ice Cube offers to take her kids somewhere (24 minutes in FXM time) I guess it will be a trip with lots of hijinks ending with love and understanding between the guy and the kids.  Oh and the first five minutes was a Lincoln commercial.  You know I don't really mind sponsorships like that.  They used to do it in the old days of television.  I have a knee jerk reaction about it only 'cause I was a teenager in the 70's when commercialism was not cool.  Nowadays bands make lots of money and get recognition by letting their songs be used in commercials.  That was unheard of in my younger days, but even Bob Dylan let one of his songs be used in a commercial.  So, as he says The times they are a' changing.  Next...

The Brothers Solomon - Will Arnett and Will Forte.
Update on 02/13/2017 - movie was written by Will Forte.  I enjoy his sense of humor for the most part.  But - I fell asleep.  It turned out the movie was about the two brothers trying to get a baby for their father in a coma; he wanted grandchildren.
I won't continue watching it because it wasn't that interesting to me.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Forty-second Day

Babylon 5 - The Gathering, 

Back in the winter of 2008 to 2009 I watched Babylon 5 (and even wrote Blogger posts on it - with the label "What I Watch").  Today, I felt like watching 'The Gathering'.  I don't recall if I watched this back then, but I know I didn't see it when I watched the original airing of Babylon 5 back in the 90's.
As noted in previous posts, I didn't watch the first couple seasons as they aired, I only jumped on board in season two or three.

I enjoyed watching it this afternoon.  There's a pretty rich story in the series and while I don't remember the details, I felt like I was learning things I needed to know for the rest of the show.

A couple of the actors didn't make it to the main series (because the series didn't start until more than a year after this pilot).  That was interesting.

For a detailed commentary on Babylon 5: The Gathering, see  this blog: "Dreaming About Other Worlds" 


Otherwise, I notice that today, even though I tried really hard to play with an Altenew stamp set, Tulip, I really only did a couple tries, sat in the same chair I sit in when working, and mostly watched Babylon 5 and listened to Amicus (a Slate podcast about the courts).


I slept for hours last night - I think nearly 12, at least 11.  I woke up from a weird and interesting dream that I was able to write out.  I'm not sure if it was a message about my friend LJB, a message from my friend LJB, or just a musing on family.  It involved my natural mother and lots of brothers and sisters who enjoy playing games (the fun kind, not "mind games"). Or did it involve LJB's family?  Not sure.


FYI  - the teeth on my right side are really sensitive and have been for the last week.  They're not sensitive to heat or cold, but to pressure.  I can't afford to fix them - but I'm also too scared to fix them.  I think if I had the chance to go back in time, one of the things I'd do differently is take better care of my teeth.  It's no fun.

My Mother was invited to a tea today with some people she doesn't know very well.  She was very excited about it and has been planning her outfit for more than a week.
I found that endearing.

It's also something I NEVER do - I try NOT to give all that attention to something.  It makes me more nervous to put that much effort into something.  On the other hand - it sure is nice to be prepared to make a nice impression.
I think I should do it more.
I usually wing things and then pass it off if I'm not as well prepared as I could have been.
I'm not proud of it.
When SGM and her husband came to visit recently I hadn't  prepared a restaurant to go to.  That works for me because I don't care about eating at restaurants  very much.  But, I wish I'd spent a little more time trying to make them comfortable.  I didn't.  We ended up at a pizza place.

So - I think I should follow my mother's example in this regard.  Surprise, surprise.


I got a call earlier this morning from my neighbor who I haven't seen in a while.  We usually catch up with each other in the hall once or twice a month.  But, we haven't recently.  So, she called.  I'd been thinking about making her a card and slipping it under her door - just to say hello.  (See?  I have good IDEAS to be thoughtful).  Anyway - she said there was talk about me during their Friday gathering last night as a possible board member.  They were saying positive things.  That was very nice and made me feel good.   I'm not going to run for the board because that's too much work.  I think being the Building Committee chairperson is enough work for me - especially now that I looked in the Red Book to find out what the duties are!!  I get to be organized, so that's fun.


A little more 'chatty' today than I intended.  Sorry to all my blog readers - you know who you are - for being so self-indulgent.
Have a great day! :)

Friday, February 10, 2017

Forty-first Day

Japanese Garden at washington Park in Portland, OR June 20, 2005

I need to take more current day photos!

Another work day.
I noticed it's not dark at 5:00 so that's cool.
I've been so chilly this week (snow early, rain following, today lots of wind) - I finally remembered I need to 'tape up' my fireplace to prevent cold wind coming into the house.  I did it on Wednesday and have noticed everything is a bit warmer.
I'm looking forward to this weekend - pretty free and easy so far.

Nothing else to say right now.

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Fortieth Day

The other day (and over the course of several days), I watched The Big Short.  I was reminded of Credit Default Swaps, and CDO's and bundling mortgages.  This was the story of our mortgage crash as told from the eyes of the investors who profited.  
It was sorta interesting.  I didn't feel invested in any of the people so for that reason, it wasn't all that compelling.  But, it did bring to mind all the crap the banks and government people and marketing people and investment people did to really eff with the people of America who didn't realize what was going on. 
Really a sad day for our government.  
I wonder how many 'victims' of this crash voted for Trump?  
Those are the people we need to educate.  Honestly.  
They were taken in by the government marketing campaign that everyone should own a home and they trusted the bankers who gave them too good to be true loans.  Now, they're trusting Trump to save them from the horrible government they think did them wrong.
I am curious how much of an overlap there is in those two populatiions:  people who took loans they knew they couldn't afford, and people who voted for Trump.  
I'm not suggesting that those are the people who are especially at fault for the state of things - the bankers and investors had intention to use people's trust in them to make money for themselves and screw everybody else.  That's despicable.  
But, they are the people we can talk to.  Explain.  They aren't stupid - they just haven't been told the story in a way that makes sense to them.
Or - they lack impulse control and have no control over their emotions. That's another possibility.

In any event - the movie brought back some memories of learning about the mortgage crisis.  If I cared enough, I'd link back to posts I'm sure I made in 2008 or 2009 about this.


And in other news...the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals did not overturn the stay of Donald Trump's Executive Order by a vote of 3-0.  Yay!  I think people were predicting a 2-1 vote against, but this is much better - unanimous.  Yay...:)

Donald Trump should just rewrite his Executive Order.  It was sloppy and not narrow enough.  And, he's made a point to talk about a Muslim  Ban so no one will believe anything he says about this issue.  He made his own  mess.  Idiot.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Thirty-ninth Day

Yesterday many of us listened via live stream as the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit listened to oral arguments in the case of Washington et al (Minnesota) v Donald Trump (I'm not sure that's the exact name of the case).
In that case, the Trump administration is appealing a ruling by the Federal District Court in Seattle which halted the Trump administration's 'pause' on immigration from 7 majority Muslim countries and refugees from Syria.  

Here is my bullet list of the events:

Trump puts in the travel ban.  Note: Members of the administration both say it is and is not a "ban".
Chaos in the airports as people with legal rights (green card holders, for example) to be here are turned away or detained.
Washington state's Attorney General submits a lawsuit against the Trump administration because the ban is detrimental to citizens and business in the state. The state is asserting 'standing' in the case because state universities have professors and students here from one or more of the 7 countries. And the state says the ban is illegal (I believe)
The Federal Judge agrees that the travel ban should be halted until such time as the court can hear the case in full - about whether the ban is legal or not.
The Trump administration appeals that ruling.  They want the ban in place while the court is deciding whether it's legal or not.

In the course of the oral arguments to the appeals court the judges asked if either side had evidence that would be presented at the Federal Court trial that was significant.  The Washington Solicitor General argued that they did have evidence - the president's own words, along with his advisors, that this is a "Muslim Ban".  The Trump admin, while arguing that the ban was based on National Security issues, didn't have any evidence...it's just the president's right to make these rules and the courts should not interfere.

It seems obvious to me - if Washington state prevails in the Federal Court hearing about the travel ban itself, they would have proven the Executive Order was unconstitutional.  If the Trump administration wins, then no one's rights have been trampled and they can continue their search for terrorists.  I think the civil rights are more important.  
For that reason the ban should NOT be in place while it's merits are debated.

If a terrorist does get in during these days when the travel ban is not in place - Trump will milk that for all it's worth.  I believe he would allow something horrible to happen just so he could say "I told you so".  I believe that of him. He's shown himself to be petty and mostly concerned with his own ego. 

Some links - I included some sites from the 'right'. I wanted to include the WSJ, but they don't let me read their articles unless I subscribe or register or something.  That's why I included Fox, Bloomberg, Cato, and Heritage

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Thirty-eighth Day

Well, I screwed up again!  I could have sworn I posted yesterday.
I was distracted by my first snowfall while at this apartment.  Yay!
Also distracted by how cold this apartment is.
And, distracted by all the expensive things I'm supposed to pay for - dental implants, heating, blinds, remodel, condo assessments, retirement.  How am I supposed to pay for all of this?
I'll leave it at that today because I'm hibernating in the only semi warm spot in my apartment - and it's     68 degrees.  It doesn't seem like that should feel as cold as it does but my nose is chilled.
I'm writing this on my iPad and it's not responding well, which is also why there isn't a photo associated with this post.
Oh yeah - and Betsy DeVos got confirmed only because Pence had to break the tie.
This woman Never attended a public school, and didn't send any of her children to public school, and yet she is now the Secretary of Education.  She supports school choice and a voucher system.
Donald Trump is the worst President this country has ever seen and he's chosen his Wall Street friends and big money donors to be part of his government.  What a horrible President.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Thirty-sixth Day

May 14, 2010 - Portland, Oregon.  I took a photography class my last six months in the Portland area.  We took a 'field trip' downtown to take photos. It was fun.

I visited Mom this afternoon - very rainy, it's supposed to snow tonight.
Super Bowl Sunday.
New England Patriots vs Atlanta Falcons.

While driving home I heard the tail end of a Snap Judgment piece by Joyce Lee called "Dropping the Ball".  She talked about being a teacher to a young student, Avery, who had an idea that he'd be in the NBA so didn't need to study.  She tried hard to help Avery and open his eyes but he didn't respond.  She finally started feeling resentful of Avery because she had invested a lot of time trying to help him and he didn't receive it.  She didn't pay as much attention to him - she gave up.  Soon, Avery dropped out of school.
Reflecting on the incident she said:
"I thought about Avery all the time, especially on graduation. When I signed up to be an educator, I signed up to witness all of my children graduate. But, when it came to Avery, I dropped out. When I saw that he wasn't learning the way I wanted him to learn, I dropped out. When he became too much of a challenge I didn't Work Hard and Think Harder like my class motto.  I didn't even show maturity by not taking Avery personally.  Instead, I gradually, but surely, threw in the towel...just like he did."

I thought that was powerful.
It's a switcheroo...yeah, the kid wasn't interested and was full of attitude, but she realized she'd done exactly what he did because she was frustrated.

Something to think about!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Thirty-fifth Day

President Trump speaks during the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Thursday. (Win Mcnamee/Bloomberg News)

What a change from all those pretty pictures I usually post.  

I can't imagine working with or for Donald Trump.  He's petty, vindictive, unnecessarily aggressive, turns every interaction to praising himself, lies and exaggerates, and he enjoys hurting people.  
That's the impression I get from his Twitter feed. 
In his business I understand he insisted people call him Mr. Trump. Even the people who worked most closely with him.  That offends my sense of equality.
He speaks while he's thinking (if you can call it that) and is easily influenced by those around him.
He will treat someone atrociously, and if that person (ex: Obama) turns the other cheek and gives Trump courtesy and praise, Trump tells everyone how fantastic Obama is.  If Obama critiques him in any way, though - Trump will be like an emotional attack dog and he'll jump back into the pit.  
He's not a role model for the children I hope people are raising.

For all those people who for years talked about 'character' and how important it is in a leader (re: Bill Clinton), they sure didn't seem to care about character when they voted for Donald Trump.  

I understand people say he's a different person one on one.  They say he's more reasonable and personable.  They say the rest of it is just posturing.  
For me, that's no reassurance.  I don't have expectations that I'll have a one on one relationship with Trump so all I care about is how he acts in public - that's my only interaction with him.  I think he acts like someone I wouldn't want to have a relationship with. And he's certainly not someone I feel comfortable representing me to the rest of the world.

The people I need to learn more about are Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions - apparently they're the ones pulling the strings.  

Well, that's all for now.  Enjoy your day! :)

Friday, February 3, 2017

Thirty-fourth Day

June 2005, Japanese Garden at Washington Park in Portland, Oregon

This is one of my favorite photos that I took.  

I almost forgot to write this entry again today.  I remembered in the early afternoon while I drove to Whole Foods for a sandwich.  Then I forgot.  I remembered again in the middle afternoon.  Then I forgot.  
I long to be one of those people who has a routine they adhere to.  
You know: "Dave could be counted on to sit at the corner booth in Bill's Tavern every day at 4:00."
On one hand I'd be irritated by the obligation to be somewhere at a specific time.  
On the other hand it sounds peaceful and friendly.

Anyway - it might make me remember to write in this blog every day.  

Hey - here's a routine I bet I do...I bet I've posted this photo before, and I bet I've lamented not being a person who has a standard routine.  
I can be counted on to not change much in the last 20 years...I have some of the same problems now that I did then.


Last night I read some more of my book.  Not a lot, but some.  I'll get back into the swing of that in the next week I hope.

I'm still torn between trying to 'normalize' all the Donald Trump shenanigans so I can have some peace of mind, and getting worked up about almost everything he does.

In the last couple days I haven't heard as much news. I check in only for a short time, get what I can and move on. 
Maybe tomorrow I'll do some more reviewing.  I subscribe to NY Times, Washington Post, and Seattle Times.  I mostly watch CBS News.  Every once in a while I'll check in with Fox News for a short time to see what they're saying.  I will read Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg articles.
I listen to NPR Weekly Roundup and Washington Week in Review on PBS (miss you Gwen Ifill!), and a few podcasts.
As I write it out - it seems like too much, but honestly, I don't do it every day.
A lot of my news comes from Twitter links.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thirty-third Day

August 21, 2004 - A Rainy Day in Beaverton

The anti-Trump protests need to be more selective about what we protest.
We should protest very specific actions - not everything he does.
When we protest everything,  nothing is important.
People will stop listening.
This is a marathon, not a sprint, and we need to be more strategic.

When I grew up there was a saying:
"sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me".
The ultimate plea for nonviolence.

Trump uses a lot of words that are meant to hurt, and the more we react to them the more energy and good will we expend on nonsense.

We need to choose actions that a lot of people would agree with.
We should protest the Refugee portion of the Executive Order, not the whole Executive Order.

Also, we should walk away when any violence begins.
And not protest at night.
Anarchists are just itchin' to create chaos.  
I don't know if they are real anarchists, or just overly aggressive young men who like to destroy things (I assume it's mostly males)

Those are my thoughts today.
The truth is Trump is doing so many damaging things it's hard (for me) to know for sure which are bluster and which will fundamentally change America as we know it.  
I spent the whole election overestimating the degree to which my thoughts and ideas are part of the mainstream.  I never thought it would come to this.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Thirty-second Day


How did I miss yesterday's entry???????
Well, I've been working up to that, I guess.  I kept forgetting until later in the afternoon.
Darn - what a disappointment.  At no point during the day did I think to add an entry.
Maybe that's because I turned the TV off while I worked?
Oh dear - I am bummed.

On the personal front, days 30 and 31 didn't yield anything worth discussing.

Around the world - lots of protests about Trump and the Executive Order related to refugees.
The problem has jumped to crisis status because the rollout was horrible.  Not only were people in transit affected, but people with green cards were also affected.  Trump said if he'd told people about the 'ban' ahead of time, all the bad guys would come right away.  He sure has a lot of respect for the ability of 'bad guy's to be organized and ready to go at a moment's notice.

My feeling is that if he'd rolled it out differently and not included refugees, he wouldn't have as many protestors..  The refugees already have a two year process before entering the United States. 
He also made a mistake by calling this a 'ban' and in an interview talking about Muslims and Christians. 
Other issues as well.  Trump's an idiot.

The real trouble is the people running the White House. And it's not Donald J Trump.  He's the child in the room and does what others tell him because he doesn't even care.
I think we'll see that more and more as his term continues.

Last night he selected a Supreme Court nominee.
Just like many people, I am still really angry that Obama's nominee wasn't even spoken to by Republicans, and I'm doubly angry that Republicans are dismayed by Democrat's (possible) plan to hold up the nomination.  They can dish it out, but they can't take it.
Hey people - you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
Horrible, horrible people.  
I have no patience or respect or calm about Double Standards and Hypocrisy.

I watched the episode of Black-ish called "Lemons" last night.
That was an excellent episode and encapsulates all of my emotions about our new state of affairs.
I feel activist, I feel defeated, I feel like spreading love, I feel lost, I feel angry, I feel pragmatic.
Here are lots of articles about the episode...

The era of Trump is upon us and none are safe.
