I don't have the patience to write a blog post today. I've been doing well posting one entry a day since April 12. That's only 19 days. But, it seems like at least a month to me. And the entries I've posted haven't been impactful or interesting.
Today I wanted to write about Donald Sterling, but the topic has too many angles for me to pick one and write about it...racism in America is alive and well, plantation mentality, he had a history of racism and yet people continued to work with him, is it okay to continue associating with people whose moral compass is that far off, where do we draw the line, does money trump everything, this story is the ultimate example of how money has influence which the Supreme Court doesn't really understand, the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP was going to give him his SECOND lifetime achievement award because he has donated so much money - no integrity on the part of that chapter of the NAACP, Donald Sterling and his ex-wife were suing the gal Sterling was speaking to on the tape and suddenly this comes out which sounds like somebody called somebody else's bluff, privacy - he was in a private home and may or may not have known he was being taped, he hasn't violated any laws but he's violated the people who support his team and enterprises and they spoke loudly and effectively - that's the free market...etc, etc, etc)
I have no patience for focused thinking, I guess. I'm a daydreamer.
UPDATE 5/2/2014 - I watched Shark Tank tonight and before I moved on to something else, 20/20 started. Barbara Walters did an interview with V Stiviano - the mistress. It was horrible. Every article I've read about this whole event has focused on what I would think are the larger issues as I mentioned above. ABC News? They go to the mistress. They showed footage of the mistress roller-skating in her neighborhood wearing a big visor that covers her face while being chased by paparazzi shouting at her. They showed footage of Donald Sterling and his wife leaving a restaurant while paparazzi screamed questions at them.
And the questions Barbara Walters is asking the mistress? Ridiculous (do you love him? is he racist? should he apologize?) The mistress? Incomprehensible.("I'm his right hand arm").
I don't think there's a news division at ABC. Really trashy.
And, if Donald Sterling is so distraught, why on earth would he go out to a restaurant? Why not stay home - he's rich enough to have people come in and cook for him.
That's how ABC turned this topic into trash for me...they showed me these people are publicity hounds and not all there in the head, even if they are rich. Or maybe because they're rich.
PRACTICE PEACE - IN THOUGHT, WORD, AND DEED. This blog supports Peace, Personal Growth, The Energy of Love, civil liberties, human rights, good government, journalists and journalism, public libraries, and a vegan lifestyle. I am grateful for my health, employment, a warm home, indoor plumbing, and a new day.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Television I Watch - Almost Human
I am VERY disappointed that "Almost Human" has been cancelled by FOX
This was a good show. Interesting world and wonderful lead characters.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Humans on Earth
Credit: Goodshoot/Jupiterimages
I wonder if there would ever come a time when people would choose not to procreate because the Earth just can't sustain humanity anymore?
Earth Day was last week.
KUOW interviewed David Fenton who said "If you really want to help, stop calling it Earth Day."
He said the day is not about the Earth: "The planet is going to be fine. It just will eject us, and unfortunately a lot of other species," Fenton said. "The planet will recover. We just won't be here. That's what we need to explain to people."
Sunday, April 27, 2014
One Day At a Time
Some people use drugs, others drink. Some are adrenaline junkies, others are exercise fanatics.
My 'drug' of choice seems to be television/surfing the internet.
I decided to go through this day without any television. And because my next 'zone out' drug is surfing the internet, I decided I wouldn't do that today either.
Until 8:00 pm when I'll watch the CBS shows and go to bed.
As it happens - I got a lot of stuff done today. Quite a bit more than if I'd allowed myself to watch television or use the computer.
I did some work in the morning until noon. From then on I listened to KUOW all day.
My goal is to clear out all the extra stuff I have. I go through closets, drawers, boxes multiple times because on the first pass I can't bear to give something up. The next time I go through it, I'm one step closer to giving it up.
I worry I'll throw something away I could have used.
Sure enough, it happened today. I just realized I have a use for cable clips and I have some cable clips...or rather, I used to have cable clips.
I threw them out today.
I even hesitated, thinking they're small and don't take up room.
No - I'll never use them!!! Throw them away!
They're gone.
Ah well...the truth is, I wouldn't have known I had them if I hadn't been throwing them away.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Weekend Radio on KUOW

I could listen to every show on my own schedule because they have podcasts or are available on the internet.
I continue to listen on KUOW's schedule because that's how I think about listening to the radio.
Yes, I'm a member!
I don't listen to all of them every week, but these are the shows I look forward to on the weekend:
What an original. I've learned a lot from this show's stories. I've also laughed and cried and been moved by many of the stories. All around fantastic show.
A nice variety of tidbits and interviews.
Hosted by Brent Bambury, who does a wonderful job asking questions that provide both sides of an issue.
Good music and often HILARIOUS and heartwarming stories about Dave and Morley.
Stories on a wide variety of themes; funny, poignant, interesting.
Here are other shows I may also listen to on the weekend:
This show can make me laugh.
It's fun to hear about other parts of the world. Rick often talks about off the beaten path locations.
There's often great music on this show - it has a good variety of skits and music.
Funny and interesting.
I'm listening to it now while I put this blog post together. It's produced by KUOW.
I became aware of it when I drove to or from Portland around this time.
He tells a good story about his life in movies and other personal experiences.
It really is storytelling with a beat. The stories are there, but they're a little more produced and performed than The Moth, for instance. It's fun.
Lynne Rossetto Kasper has a fabulous voice and just the right amount of charm and enthusiasm.
Brooke Gladstone hosts. I like the questions she asks and her choice of stories and perspective.
If I can stay awake on Friday night I also listen to:
A modern radio play presentation
Friday News Roundup - Domestic from midnight to 1 am
Friday News Roundup - International from 1am to 2am.
The show includes journalists and listener questions (which are politely controlled to move the show along)
Honestly, every show on the KUOW schedule on weekends and throughout the week is a winner.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Television I Watch - How I Met Your Mother
If only it had ended like this.
It's been a bit over two weeks now since the series finale of "How I Met Your Mother".
Sadly, my enjoyment of HIMYM reruns has been affected by that last episode. I already turn off episodes that involve Zoe.
I really liked Barney and Robin together. During the whole last season we saw how they were changing and growing because of their relationship together; they accepted each other and were willing to face their fears to love each other. It was meaningful and sweet and I was happy for them.
Within the first 5 minutes everything that had gone before with Barney and Robin meant absolutely nothing.
I don't understand why the writers spent so much time building them up as a couple. What was the point? Not only that but their breakup was an afterthought.
First, how is it that all the sudden Robin's career is so amazing? She never exhibited the skills I'd expect for a newscaster that travels the world. That makes no sense.
And why would Barney follow her around? The Barney I know wouldn't leave New York. That's what made Barney and Robin so great together - they didn't need to be in each other's lap to be in love.
Or that's what I was told made them perfect for each other.
The fact that they so easily said 'see ya' didn't match what I'd learned about them as a couple.
It makes the rerun episodes seem ridiculous since all the meaning and emotion I felt for them was a waste.
Now, about the Mother. She seemed like a lovely girl.
I've always liked Ted. I never thought he was a douche. I mean, he has some quirks, sure. But, he doesn't try to hurt people. He's a generally optimistic guy.
I'm glad he found Tracy.
I don't know why it was necessary to kill her. I don't think there was a darn thing gained by it. There wasn't some great moral at the end. As many people have stated in their recaps and blogs about the show, Tracy was a vehicle for Ted to get kids and then Ted and Robin could be together.
Honestly, I have no idea why Ted and Robin were considered a good couple. They were fine friends, but that's it.
When I watched the show I wasn't quite as disappointed. I thought all the people who hated the ending were overreacting to a television show. But, the more I contemplate it, the less I like it. So much so that it affects my desire to watch the reruns...especially the ones that have to do with Robin, Ted, or Barney's relationship.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
GE in GA ("Guns Everywhere" in Georgia)
Photograph by Steve LaBadessa//ZUMA Press
I don't find any pleasure in guns and I don't understand why other people do.
I don't ever want to choose to kill someone.
People are so afraid these days - well, always.
They just want to control everything they're afraid of so much that they don't think there's any other way.
I don't respect that line of thinking - it's very short sighted.
If a gun is the way you control things you're afraid of, what happens when the criminals have bigger guns?
If the value of your life is measured only by the fact that you're breathing, maybe this is fine for you.
You will kill those who attempt to kill you and you will continue breathing.
There are better ways.
Some articles about the new gun law in Georgia:
Washington Post
The Blaze (libertarian/conservative)
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Television I watch - Naked and Afraid
The Discovery Channel's Naked and Afraid ended it's second season on Sunday 4/20/2014
This show is crazy.
There's a reason that, even today, people don't live in the areas the survivalists are sent to -
It's uninhabitable!!!!! Even our earliest ancestors knew that.
But, you want to go in there...NAKED?!?!?!
Well, Okay.
I doff my cap to you.
Only six episodes this season.
My favorite pairings were: Samantha and Fernando in The Pain Forest, Cass and Shannon in Mayan Misery, and EJ and Laura in Man vs Amazon. Laura and EJ had already survived in separate experiences last season. They replaced a a couple who had a difficult week in the Amazon. EJ and Laura are very good at this.
Honestly, after a while it's a little formulaic - they're shy about meeting naked, they have trouble building a fire, finding water, finding food, and building a shelter. On the 21st day they have some crazy journey that looks near impossible given they've spent the last 21 days barely surviving. But, then - they make it, rather easily given the buildup.
So, yeah - it's pretty much the same every episode.
But, it's awesome!!!! It's great to see them learn to work together and trust each other. I like seeing how they prioritize their work and how they face adversity. I do a lot of talking to the TV during this show..."Don't eat that!" "You better hurry" etc.
The thing I most enjoy about the show, as I noted in my post(s) for the last show, is that I imagine this is how our earliest ancestors began life on Planet Earth. Amazing that we survived.
This season I felt the contestants spent their time mostly waiting for the 21st day. The environments were so difficult that once the people realized they had mostly no chance to get food/water/shelter their goal was just to survive in deprivation.
We just don't have the places in the world that would satisfy my interest to see how two people would start a new civilization; every place on Earth that could be inhabited, is already fully packed.
But, that doesn't diminish my interest in this show.
The Live Show "Naked After Dark" wasn't very good. Sorry folks who make that show, but the vibe was completely off.
This show is crazy.
There's a reason that, even today, people don't live in the areas the survivalists are sent to -
It's uninhabitable!!!!! Even our earliest ancestors knew that.
But, you want to go in there...NAKED?!?!?!
Well, Okay.
I doff my cap to you.
Only six episodes this season.
My favorite pairings were: Samantha and Fernando in The Pain Forest, Cass and Shannon in Mayan Misery, and EJ and Laura in Man vs Amazon. Laura and EJ had already survived in separate experiences last season. They replaced a a couple who had a difficult week in the Amazon. EJ and Laura are very good at this.
Honestly, after a while it's a little formulaic - they're shy about meeting naked, they have trouble building a fire, finding water, finding food, and building a shelter. On the 21st day they have some crazy journey that looks near impossible given they've spent the last 21 days barely surviving. But, then - they make it, rather easily given the buildup.
So, yeah - it's pretty much the same every episode.
But, it's awesome!!!! It's great to see them learn to work together and trust each other. I like seeing how they prioritize their work and how they face adversity. I do a lot of talking to the TV during this show..."Don't eat that!" "You better hurry" etc.
The thing I most enjoy about the show, as I noted in my post(s) for the last show, is that I imagine this is how our earliest ancestors began life on Planet Earth. Amazing that we survived.
This season I felt the contestants spent their time mostly waiting for the 21st day. The environments were so difficult that once the people realized they had mostly no chance to get food/water/shelter their goal was just to survive in deprivation.
We just don't have the places in the world that would satisfy my interest to see how two people would start a new civilization; every place on Earth that could be inhabited, is already fully packed.
But, that doesn't diminish my interest in this show.
The Live Show "Naked After Dark" wasn't very good. Sorry folks who make that show, but the vibe was completely off.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Movies I've Seen - The Internship
- Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) are salesmen whose careers have been torpedoed by the digital world. Trying to prove they are not obsolete, they defy the odds by talking their way into a coveted internship at Google, along with a battalion of brilliant college students. But, gaining entrance to this utopia is only half the battle. Now they must compete with a group of the nation's most elite, tech-savvy geniuses to prove that necessity really is the mother of re-invention.- Written by Twentieth Century Fox
Well, let's hope that's not what it's like to work at Google!!!
I looked at IMDB to see the Vince Vaughn movies I've seen. Swingers, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Wedding Crashers and The Internship for sure. I remember seeing Zoolander, The Break Up, and Fred Claus, but I don't recall if I saw the whole movie or not.
What about Owen Wilson? Shanghai Noon, Meet the Parents, Zoolander, The Royal Tenenbaums, Wedding Crashers, and The Internship.
I like the persona of both of these men. I like their Vibe.
I thought DodgeBall was FAN TAS TIC the one time I saw it. Love it.
I didn't like Wedding Crashers very much at all.
Otherwise I don't have strong memories of any of the other movies.
I mention my history with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson because I thought I'd seen this exact story/plot many times before.
It doesn't matter, I enjoy it.
The force of their personalities is what makes this movie. They are nearly always optimistic and have a can-do attitude. It's fun to watch.
That's it.
If you like them and you like a little bit of heartwarming, you like this movie.
I do, I did.
Monday, April 21, 2014
One minute in the life of Planet Earth
Can you see the rainbow in this picture? It was bright and pretty in real life.
Thursday April 17, 2014.
It rained all day...heavy, big, raindrops. Wet, wet, wet.
Sometime between 7 and 8 pm, I happened to look outside at just the right time and saw this beauty.
I had just taken the photo when there was a big flash of light and moments later, loud, grumbling thunder.
In the space of a mere 60 seconds rain, sun, rainbow, lightning, thunder.
Thursday April 17, 2014.
It rained all day...heavy, big, raindrops. Wet, wet, wet.
Sometime between 7 and 8 pm, I happened to look outside at just the right time and saw this beauty.
I had just taken the photo when there was a big flash of light and moments later, loud, grumbling thunder.
In the space of a mere 60 seconds rain, sun, rainbow, lightning, thunder.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Television I watch - Chicagoland
Chicagoland is a series on CNN.
Fenger High School plays a key role and principal Liz Dozier is quite extraordinary. She has devoted herself to helping the kids make the best choices for themselves even in the face of unrelenting challenges.
Another man is both a trauma surgeon at a city hospital and a Chicago police officer with a wife and three children at home. Who has the energy for all that? He does.
We meet many people doing amazing work so kids have a chance in life. I know it has an impact on individual kids, but it makes no dent in the problem.
I don't understand how they can be working in such a dangerous and depressed area and maintain a level of professionalism and dedication. If I knew how to be like that, I'd be proud of myself.
Something else I don't understand is who are the people doing all the bad stuff? The docu-series interviews a lot of residents in some of the neighborhoods most affected by gun violence. Every one of them talks about how bad it is and they don't understand what this world is coming to. They're vague about who is responsible. If everyone is truly opposed to the violence then it would stop. So, who's causing the trouble?
I think it's hard to live differently than how you grow up. It's possible, but it's difficult. I imagine some families are invested in the gang lifestyle. Unfortunately, the people with guns - who don't value life and don't value peace - those are the ones who hold the rest of us prisoners to their insanity.
Anyway, it's a really great series. It only has one or two more episdoes and it can be found on CNN.
The riveting, real-life drama of a city looking to unite at this critical moment in the city’s history. In the aftermath of a countrywide economic collapse, Chicago faces the challenges of improving its public education system, and neighborhood and youth safety. Can the city’s leaders, communities, and residents come together in ways that expand opportunities and allow aspirations to be realized?[6]It's riveting and exhausting. Most of the action takes place in the neighborhoods of poverty and gang violence. We see the problems of school funding and violence in the streets. Chicago is known as the murder capital of the US, and although the statistical numbers look better in 2013, there are still too many murders.
Fenger High School plays a key role and principal Liz Dozier is quite extraordinary. She has devoted herself to helping the kids make the best choices for themselves even in the face of unrelenting challenges.
Another man is both a trauma surgeon at a city hospital and a Chicago police officer with a wife and three children at home. Who has the energy for all that? He does.
We meet many people doing amazing work so kids have a chance in life. I know it has an impact on individual kids, but it makes no dent in the problem.
I don't understand how they can be working in such a dangerous and depressed area and maintain a level of professionalism and dedication. If I knew how to be like that, I'd be proud of myself.
Something else I don't understand is who are the people doing all the bad stuff? The docu-series interviews a lot of residents in some of the neighborhoods most affected by gun violence. Every one of them talks about how bad it is and they don't understand what this world is coming to. They're vague about who is responsible. If everyone is truly opposed to the violence then it would stop. So, who's causing the trouble?
I think it's hard to live differently than how you grow up. It's possible, but it's difficult. I imagine some families are invested in the gang lifestyle. Unfortunately, the people with guns - who don't value life and don't value peace - those are the ones who hold the rest of us prisoners to their insanity.
Anyway, it's a really great series. It only has one or two more episdoes and it can be found on CNN.
Have a Laugh - Nina Conti
I found this via Ken Levine's blog where he says:
This is Nina Conti, a very funny (and quite accomplished) ventriloquist. One of her bits is to take people from the audience and turn them into puppets. Here's an example.
Nina Conti's website
Nina Conti on Wikipedia
This is Nina Conti, a very funny (and quite accomplished) ventriloquist. One of her bits is to take people from the audience and turn them into puppets. Here's an example.
Nina Conti's website
Nina Conti on Wikipedia
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Television I Watch - Orphan Black - Season 2
These posters for Season 2 of Orphan Black are freaking me out.
I'm ready to watch the first episode of Season 2 now.
Movies I've Seen - The Heat (and M.I.A's Bad Girls)
- Sarah Ashburn, an FBI agent, is extremely ambitious and has her eye on a promotion, but she doesn't get along with her co-workers. She is sent to Boston to uncover the identity of an elusive drug lord, Mr. Larkin, by tracking down his proxy, Rojas, and is told that she'll have a good shot at the promotion if she finds Larkin. When she arrives in Boston, she learns that Larkin has been eliminating his competition and taking over their operations. She learns that Rojas is in Boston PD custody and goes to see him to ask him what he knows about Larkin, but is warned that the cop who arrested Rojas, Shannon Mullins, is very territorial, and she is not exactly sociable. When the two meet they don't get along. When Mullins learns why Ashburn is in Boston, she decides to find Larkin herself. Ashburn is told by her boss to work with Mullins, but it won't be easy because Ashburn does things by the book while Mullins does things her way.- Written by rcs0411@yahoo.com
Here are a couple things I thought about while watching the movie: 1) Where did Melissa McCarthy get the scissors when they're in the bathroom of the club? 2) Why are Melissa McCarthy's hands tied and not tied in two cutaways of the scene at the warehouse? 3) Why do the bad guys kill EVERYONE really fast without any talk or discussion, except Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock?
And then I laughed a lot.
Yeah - there's a LOT of people that get killed in this movie. More than I would have expected.
There's a lot of really foul language in the movie.
The story isn't very compelling.
But, darned if those two aren't really funny together.
I liked the movie because it made me laugh. More than a few times.
I'd watch a sequel.
Also, the movie trailer is set to the song Bad Girls by M.I.A. which I really like.
Not my usual fare, but it has a really great beat and a hook that gets under my skin.
Watch the video for some bad ass stunts. Then, watch this to see how the video was made and learn about Drifting and Skating. Stunning.
A review from Sheila O'Mallery on Roger Ebert.com
The official movie site
Friday, April 18, 2014
Movies I've Seen - Elysium
- In the year 2154, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Delacourt, a government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn't stop the people of Earth from trying to get in by any means they can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that, if successful, will not only save his life but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.- Written by Production
I don't enjoy violence for the sake of violence and big action sequences often hide lack of a good story.
But, given the right setup and motivation, I can be as thrilled as the next person when the hero fights back and wins.
In this movie, although I'm glad things turned out okay, the fight and battle scenes were the main focus and they weren't very interesting.
It's almost as if this is one chapter in a larger book. The first chapters gave us more detail about Earth and Elysium. The characters were developed and we understood the story behind the Matt Damon and Jodie Foster characters (character names? who knows.).
I can imagine this wasn't even the last chapter of the book. The movie ended abruptly.
Interesting premise not played out enough for my tastes.
I did watch the whole thing though. That's something.
YouTube video of Neill Blomkamp talking about the movie
Slate articles from David Weigel and Dana Stevens about the movie
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Putin's Ukraine
President Vladimir Putin answers journalists' questions on the current situation in Ukraine at the Novo-Ogaryovo presidential residence outside Moscow on Tuesday. (AP Photo/RIA Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, Presidential Press Service)
The headlines and news broadcasts are talking about Ukraine as if it's on the 'brink of civil war'.
I don't get it - isn't it clear that Russia would intervene if Ukraine goes forward with it's anti-terrorist offensive? And, don't we agree that Russia's military is much stronger than Ukraine's?
I can't imagine the West will get into the fight militarily. Right? Wouldn't a military confrontation between Russia and the US be World War III?
Since the beginning of this conflict, Putin has held all the cards. He tried to take over Ukraine by convincing the former President not to join the European Union. When the reaction in Kiev caused that President to flee, Putin has taken advantage of the Russian speakers in the east.
I don't doubt there are a lot of people in that region who do want to join Russia. I wonder how many in the east DON'T want to join Russia.
You know...if the majority of people want to be part of Russia, well...I think you have to let them.
I wonder why they aren't just having a vote. Why all the macho violence? Not necessary. Just vote.
I think someone wants to flex their muscles.
Mr. Macho Man himself, Vladimir Putin, maybe?
Too much ego on that man.
We seem to be heading down the road for some level of military conflict. Hopefully there are creative, patient, and persuasive people in charge who can find a peaceful solution.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Ukraine 2014 04 15
Photographer: Genya Savilov/AFP via Getty Images
Their methods of protest (taking over government buildings, coordinated militias) are out of proportion.
The Ukrainian government is new - they haven't had a chance to do anything, let alone something that would justify this much violence.
And, hadn't they scheduled elections for May?
The whole region of eastern Ukraine could have voted to be a republic. No violence and they get what they want.
This whole thing seems false and manufactured to me.
Eh - I'm sure my analysis is simplistic and naive. In any event...Boo Putin!
Reuters/Luke Baker - In Ukraine, NATO Sticks to a War of Words against Russia.
Bloomberg News - Ukraine Moves Against Separatists as Medvedev Evokes Specter of Civil War
One Year Later
Good on ya, people of Boston.
As a fellow human, I'm proud of the people who are learning to live again without limbs they'd grown accustomed to. You're all brave.
I send a huge, warm hug and my best wishes to the family and friends of those who were killed.
For all those with memories of the sights and sounds of the bombing, I wish you peace.
For everyone in Boston who felt personally affected I commend you for sharing your love, pride, compassion, and hope.
For the rest of us, I hope that every day we demonstrate to the world the best of what America can be.
On CBS Morning News today, they reported that a government report reveals communication gaps and missed opportunities by the FBI before the attack.
I have a problem with how media (yes, even my favorite CBS Morning News) talk about these aftermath reports. It feels like the media is part of a team of lawyers preparing a case against the government instead of reporting the news. The reviews and judgments should be about learning lessons, not assigning blame.
Let's be honest - mistakes happen. If there was an aftermath report done on my life, I'd be villified and scorned by the media. The crowds that latch onto that sort of thing would cast me out to live alone in the wilderness to be eaten by wolves.
I think the media has lost some perspective.
Willful negligence is different than honest mistakes. We should save the blaming for cases of willful negligence.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Ukraine on 2014 04 14
The protesters in eastern Ukraine are taking over government buildings.
The Ukrainian government in Kiev gave a deadline to the pro-Russian protesters to lay down their arms and avoid prosecution. Unless the protesters leave the government buildings, the Ukraine government is going to respond using anti-terrorist methods (which sounds like the military to me).
The deadline has passed and no pro-Russian protester is surrendering.
Russian troops are on the border of Ukraine. We know the Russian military took over Crimea when unmarked military marched in and took over government buildings. They appear to be poised to do the same in Eastern Ukraine.
There are scheduled peace talks between Ukraine, Russia, European Union, and the United States. Russia has said they will not participate in the talks if Ukraine tries to militarily get the protesters out of the government buildings.
If Ukraine goes ahead with a military solution, Russia will pull out of the peace talks and send their military into Ukraine to protect the protesters who want to be under Russian authority.
If Ukraine doesn't go ahead with a military solution, the Russian protesters will stay in the government buildings and effectively take over on behalf of Russia.
I'm not a foreign policy expert and I don't know how these people think, but it seems to me that Ukraine is screwed.
Well - they're only screwed if its important to them to have eastern Ukraine as part of their country.
Otherwise they could just let it go
Disney's Frozen "Let It Go" Sequence Performed by Idina Menzel on Disney Video
Update: 4/14/2014 afternoon Pacific time.
Possibly, Ukraine will offer to change Ukraine's government to a federation, which would weaken Kiev and strengthen eastern and southern Ukraine...just what Putin hoped for.
See this Slate article by Fred Kaplan.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Ukraine on 2014 04 12
Read this quick summary of events in Ukraine over the last 100 years.
There's certainly a culture of chaos.
Today, Pro-Russian forces are protesting in eastern Ukraine. Some protesting is the takeover of government buildings and police stations using violence.
Here is the perspective from The Voice of Russa: Crisis in Ukraine: tensions in the country's East continue, Live Updates (note the signs in the photo..."USA! EU! Your media lies!")
Here is the perspective from The Voice of America: "In Eastern Ukraine Anti-Russian Activists Emerge From Shadows"
Bottom line...Old habits die hard, and in the face of bad economic times and security concerns, for many going back to what they know must seem like the fastest and easiest road to relief...corruption, violence, protests, apathy, and overthrow.
Putin's fingerprints are all over the current crisis - he and his thugs are using the chaos to foment even more chaos until the people cry out for peace and quiet, which Putin will be quick to offer in the form of his increasingly regimented Soviet Union-like Russia. It's bad enough what he did in Crimea - just walking in and taking over - this is over the line, for sure.
And there's nothing we can do because Putin doesn't care about peaceful relations between the United States and Russia. I don't think he wants a war, but he's more willing to go right up to the line than the US is because his popularity in Russia increases when he asserts a strong and formidable Russia (sounds like the times when Reagan was running for President. His slogan was 'Morning in America'. USA was feeling battered and bruised from the 70's and Reagan promised a rebirth.)
Sadly, I think we have to be on the sidelines. Or, we have to be covert. Which I wouldn't be against.
As long as it's a really kick ass secret spy operation. Otherwise, it just makes us look bad.
Those are my thoughts on Ukraine today.
A few minutes at the beach.
Yesterday morning (Saturday) I was at Enatai Beach at 10:00 am.
The sun hadn't come out yet and it was a bit chilly.
I thought I'd be alone, but there were people with dogs, bikers, and people fishing in the lake.
When I imagined myself sitting at the water's edge in my beach chair, with drawing tools, water and crackers, a head band to cover my ears, my iPad mini, and warm gloves I expected to be there for hours.
I stayed 40 minutes.
I don't know why I was ready to get moving so quickly. Maybe I'm not as contemplative as I think.
The sun hadn't come out yet and it was a bit chilly.
I thought I'd be alone, but there were people with dogs, bikers, and people fishing in the lake.
When I imagined myself sitting at the water's edge in my beach chair, with drawing tools, water and crackers, a head band to cover my ears, my iPad mini, and warm gloves I expected to be there for hours.
I stayed 40 minutes.
I don't know why I was ready to get moving so quickly. Maybe I'm not as contemplative as I think.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Television I Watch - Community and Scrubs
Two shows I enjoyed in their early years.
Quirky and creative, absurdist sense of humor, lots of heart.
Just my style.
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