The Debt - I was bored by the use of flashbacks in the movie. After the flashbacks were done, the movie picked up and I liked it.
(wonderful acting)
(I liked the relationship these two characters had)
The Help - I didn't expect to like this movie because one of the criticisms I'd heard of it was that, once again, the experience of black people in 1960's America is told through a white person. But, the heroines of the story were likable and smart. Given the history, it all made sense to me. I liked it.
Enough Said - I liked all the characters in this movie. They all seemed real and normal, but still entertaining. I'm not sure if this is a compliment or not, but I thought Eva was Old Chrstine a little toned down and a few years later. I liked "The New Adventures of Old Christine"; it made me become a big fan of Julia Louis-Dreyfuss. So, for my money - this was a good movie.
Star Trek: Into Darkness - I'm pretty sure I was awake for the important parts. I believe I fell asleep during the action sequences. Action movies of the last decade don't use plot - just action. The story that holds the action sequences together is so thin you'd be hard pressed to remember the motivation 30 minutes after the movie ended. That's my opinion. At least with Star Trek there's a history to fall back on. A line here and there that harkens back to Star Trek of the 20th century and the plot creates itself. I'm going to rewatch those scenes again anyway - just in case I missed something important. I REALLY liked the Star Trek theme at the end of the movie.