Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fourth of July, 2012

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This is my vantage point for 4th of July fireworks.  We're sitting on the northeast side of a canal on Lake Tapps looking south down the lake towards Mount Rainier.  At this point, it's about 15 minutes from fireworks time.  And boy do they know how to do fireworks in Lake Tapps!  At least 10 houses along this waterway were lighting off fireworks.  And not just a few Roman Candles and a sparkler...the BIG kind.  Some of them were
Behind the point coming from the left side into the middle of the picture, the official Lake Tapps fireworks were happening.  We saw them pretty big, but they were in competition with the house at the point of land jutting out from the left.  They were having a HUGE party and their fireworks - good ones, mind you - went for about an hour.
Many other houses had fireworks going along this canal.  It was hard to keep track.  And the noise.  You could tell people all over were lighting fireworks.
It was a nice night spent with good people.

Mercer Slough

I thought most water reflection photos had been created in a photo program.  Maybe they are, but this one - not one photo adjustment (click on it for a full size view).  It's taken with a small point and shoot.  And look, even the cloud is reflected in the water.  What a picture perfect day.  It was about 6pm July 5, 2012 at Mercer Slough in Bellevue, Washington.  I got three huge mosquito bites, but enjoyed the view...:)
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