Friday, January 29, 2010

The Week in Review

The Week in Review
Dateline:  My house
A solitary week.  
Color:  Beyond the Basics started on Sunday, lesson two on Thursday.
End of "Dollhouse" tonight - satisfying.  Glad I stuck with it.
I painted color swatches on several evenings - it took a long time and I don't know how to be frugal with paint.
Obama's State of the Union on Wednesday.  Wish I could have seen Obama's Q & A at the GOP retreat live today instead of hearing about it later.  
Reading "A Year in the Merde".
Love the sleep timer on my television!  Love!  It!  
Ate a couple apples and oranges this week.
Teeth cleaning on Tuesday.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama State of the Union

I watched President Obama's speech tonight and here are my thoughts...
1.  I thought so many of these initiatives were from last year's speech.  Didn't he already say we were going invest in environmentally safe technology and create jobs by improving our infrastructure?  I still think they're good ideas.  For the state of the union I want to hear why last year's goals were not met.  The Repbulicans?  Oh yeah.
2.  The Republicans.  I think Repbulicans act childish when they, en masse, will NOT clap for EH-NEE-THING the President says.  It seems there were some lines in the speech they would have agreed with.   But, they wouldn't applaud.
Conversely, I'm reminded of a high school pep rally when I watch the Democrats clap at EV-REE-THING the President says.
It was the same when Bush was President, except the parties were reversed.
It screams partisan ideology.  And it looks like the Congress is a bunch of mindless idiots.
3.  I thought the President could have been even MORE forceful when he said every day in Washington can't be election day.  Congress isn't making progress because they're more concerned with the next election and making the other side look bad.  It's ridiculous and tiresome.
4.  The end of the speech came more abruptly than I was prepared for.  President Obama seemed like he was going somewhere exciting, and then it ended.
5.  I liked that he said the Supreme Court made a huge mistake with their recent decision (5-4) about corporate campaign contributions.  Boy, did they ever!  Even Sandra Day O'Connor, retired Supreme Court Judge, has come out against it.  I don't like Scalia, Thomas, Roberts,and Alito.  In fact, Alito was caught shaking his head in disagreement with Obama's speech about the decision.  They believe a corporation is the equivalent of a person.  IT IS NOT!  A corporation is a TOOL for people to make money.  A TOOL should not have the same rights or privileges as a person.  It's been part of our culture recently that the corporation is more important than the individual, but this decision makes it even more part of the reality.  Well, enough about that for now.  This was a BAD decision, that's all I'm saying.
6.  I have a lot of respect for Obama for not wanting to quit.  I can hardly read about all this stuff anymore because I get discouraged and sad.  He's in the thick of it and he doesn't want to quit.  Thank you.  I'm glad I voted for him.


Measure 66 and 67 in Oregon passed.  Good.  I'm willing to pay taxes when it involves things like education and safety services.  I don't understand why people think these things don't cost money.  Our government institutions don't always make the most use of each dollar, but most companies and people don't either.

Is it best to take a hardline, all or nothing stance for the progressive policies I'd like us to establish, or will we get more done if we change incrementally?
I wish I knew the answer to that because it would determine my answer to the health care debate.


That's all for now.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

More Supreme Court

The misguided theories behind the Supreme Court's ruling on campaign finance reform.from

Supreme Sellout

The Supreme Court's decision to roll back campaign-finance reform does more than just open the spigots for corporate cash. It also exposes the judicial activism of the Roberts Court.
from the Daily Beast

Supreme Court: No Limit on Corporate Spending on Elections

The Supreme Court has ruled corporations have the right to spend as much money as they like to influence the outcome of US elections. In a five-to-four decision, the court overturned century-old restrictions on corporations, unions and other interest groups from using their vast treasuries to advocate for a specific candidate. The majority opinion affirms corporations have First Amendment rights and that the government can’t limit their political speech. The decision has sparked widespread outrage amongst progressives and calls to have it reversed. This is Robert Weissman of the watchdog group Public Citizen.
Robert Weissman: “What we really need is to get the decision undone. If the court won’t reverse its own decision, the only course available to us is a constitutional amendment. We have to say the First Amendment exists to protect the rights of real people, of you and me, not artificial creations known as corporations, not for Exxon, not for Pfizer, not for Goldman Sachs.”
In a statement, President Obama called the ruling “a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans.”

from Democracy

Public Agrees With Court: Campaign Money Is "Free Speech"

But have mixed views on other issues at heart of new Supreme Court ruling

PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans' broad views about corporate spending in elections generally accord with the Supreme Court's decision Thursday that abolished some decades-old restrictions on corporate political activity. Fifty-seven percent of Americans consider campaign donations to be a protected form of free speech, and 55% say corporate and union donations should be treated the same way under the law as donations from individuals are. At the same time, the majority think it is more important to limit campaign donations than to protect this free-speech right.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Corporations Win

This isn't good.  It feels like the end; a turning point.  It's the end of a big game and the other side won.  I know, I know - I sound melodramatic.  But, I believe it.  (Though I'm not sure if the game is over or its just the first quarter, or what.  I'll only know its cultural and historical significance if I can live to be 110 and have more history to review - which is now my future.)

Corporations are treated better than people.  That's not a healthy sign for our country.  


There is about a 3 to 1 ratio of public relations people vs journalists.  Much of the 'journalism' we see on mainstream media is originated by public relations firms, not journalists.  This comes from "The Death and Life of American Journalism"  by Robert McChesney and John Nichols.  I originally heard this information on my local radio station - KBOO - but here is a link to the authors on the PBS show NOW with David Brancaccio.

Corporations have a lot of money.  Money buys influence.  In this case, money buys news.


I'm sad and disheartened.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Status Update

This is the front cover of Andrew Taylor's book of poetry "And The Weary Are at Rest".
Andrew Taylor’s collection And the Weary Are at Rest is a silken thread tying life and death together, bringing circles to their beginnings and revisiting the stages that so commonly wage in us during all the tragic and deathly moments we face. These are poems as seasons, poems as emotional states of being, poems as living.
That is from a review of the book at Chapbook Review

How did I come across this book?  A Google Images search for the word 'weary' returned the book cover as an option.  I was struck by how accurately the title describes my emotional state in the last couple days.

Although in the context of a book of poetry that deals with the weighty issues of life and death, I may be overstating my case.

My intention was to give a status of my life and thoughts today.  Not for any great or profound ideas to be examined, but because I haven't been writing in this blog lately and I want to capture what it's like to be me right now.  Will someone wonder in 50 years?  I suppose not.  But, I might.  Sometimes I think back to a period in my life and I wonder about the details...what did I think of this or that, how did I spend the moments in my life that seemed uneventful at the time, how did I pay for things?  I never thought I'd forget, but I have.

In no particular order...
I've been painting with acrylics, shopping for acrylics supplies, watching a lot of art videos, and not watching very much television.  Which seems strange to me.
I'm weary of my mistakes at work, weary of the uphill battle to make change, disappointed but still supporting Obama, sad at the ideological divide in the country right  now, dismayed that my Mother watches so much Fox News, and wondering about Haiti (why did so few people care about Haiti before the earthquake).
I'm sad for people whose lives change in a matter of moments because of earthquake, flood, tsunami, etc.  I'm aware though, that the effects of these natural earth phenomena are made more deadly partly through our own actions - overpopulation, greed, ignoring the plight of the poor, deforestation, global warming.  Life is hard enough just being a human living on planet earth - I wish we didn't make it harder on ourselves based on fear.
I've been ignoring the news for the most part - maybe I get headlines and that's it.  I don't think we should have a 'war on terror' and try to wage the war the same as we'd wage war against a specific country; this is not that era anymore.  I think we need to help people feel valued and they won't be susceptible to the negative fear-based energy.
I feel powerless to effect change on global and national events.

The best thing I can do for myself and the world is put positive energy out 'there'.
I can't do that if I feel powerless all the time.
So, I've narrowed the focus of my world.  I'm not yet sure if that means I'm burying my head in the sand, or if it's the right thing to do because we should all create positive, uplifting energy where we have the power to affect change in small ways.  Then, the big things will take care of themselves eventually.  Is eventually good enough?  I don't know.
I am Weary and I am at Rest.
For now.
I will Rise.

The process of discovering my creative side is challenging and interesting.  I've bought enough supplies - I'm starting to use them.  I'm interested to see what happens.

Yes, I'm weary - but I continue to be hopeful.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

12 hours of the Time Lord

Last night and today I watched "The Next Doctor", "Planet of the Dead", "The Waters of Mars","The End of Time Part I" and "The End of Time Part II".

While I can't (won't) forget Christopher Eccleston as Doctor Who...

Capable, protective, loving, wise

I also enjoy and appreciate David Tennant as The Doctor.

 Exuberant.  Gleeful.  Curious.  Kind.

Recaps from the AV Club accurately reflect my thoughts on the final David Tennant episode...Part I  Part II

Spike Lee & Co, Do it A Capella

I'm so grateful to YouTube user Vincenteliat for uploading 16 videos of the 1990 television show "Spike Lee & Co Do it A Capella"
(yay, applause, applause, yay, yay, cheering, joyous celebration, high fives, jumping up and down, dance, dance, dance, yay)
This music never fails to make me happy, and keep me moving.

Check out Vincenteliat's YouTube channel for the whole show.
Although I enjoy each and every song, the one I'll highlight here is Higher and Higher by The Mint Juleps.
This song makes me feel like I'm inside the music.  

I can't leave these out though...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Why do I write in and share my blog?

It is my declaration to the world that I live for love and hope.
Creativity is love in action.
My daily struggle to be peaceful in body, mind, and spirit is an expression of hope.
My hope is that others will lend their voices to the cause of peace and love.  Together we really can make a difference.

Welcome to a New Year!

Thank you 2009, welcome 2010!
May all the world find peace, hope, and love.
A Blue Moon New Year